Tea is not only a delicious drink. It has so many useful substances that it can be successfully used to maintain beauty. Today we will talk about how tea is used for masks.
What is the useful tea
In any tea there are vitamins (A, B, C, R, K) and trace elements (iron, iodine, zinc, copper, calcium, selenium). Also, tea is rich in folic acid, caffeine, polyphenol and tanning substances. The combination of all these substances is the main reason why tea is consumed not only as a drink, but also as a component of useful face masks. In some tea is used in the form of broken leaves, and in some in the form of a strong tea welding.
Green Tea Masks
The most demanded in terms of maintaining external beauty is tea green. It rejuvenates and tones the skin, as well as her well whitens and eliminates small wrinkles. Recipes of the most popular masks with green tea read below:
- Rejuvenating.Heat up to a temperature of 40 degrees 50 ml of milk and pour into it a pair of tablespoons of dry tea. Cover the cup with a saucer and wait for tea to swell. Then add a spoon of fatty sour cream and apply to the purified face for 15-20 minutes.
- For elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Brew green tea and fifty milliliters of its warm infancy. Insolite 20 grams of dry yeast or 10 grams of fresh. Leave the mixture alone for one hour - yeast during this time activated. Next, enter as much rice flour into the mask so that the result is a sour cream mass. Keep the mask on the face of 20 minutes.
- From oily skin. When you drank green tea, then take it with a cutting brew and grind in a blender. To two tablespoons of the tea mass, add a spoonful of blue or green cosmetic clay and as much warm water. Hold the mask on the face to complete drying, and then soak it by overlapping on top of a wet napkin.
- Nutritious. Green tea leaves that are left in the kettle after brewing, mix the liquid with a light honey. Take and tea and honey for the same amount. The mask put on the face for 15 minutes and wash it off with cool green tea.
Mask of black tea
Black tea, in addition to an active anti-aging treatment, also copes well with distressed fragile vessels. If there is a translucent mesh of blood vessels on your face ( rosacea), You are shown the mask is black tea:
- Improves the complexion. Take equal amounts of tea leaves and tea elder flowers (1 tbsp. L.). Boil them separately in a quarter cup of boiling water. Until the dry ingredients are infused, mix for 1 hour. L. dry yeast with 1 tbsp. l. water and grind in a grinder handful of oatmeal. After 30 minutes, mix the mass of yeast, oatmeal and tea extracts and elderberry. Make a mask 2 times a week after cleansing the face over the steam.
- Wrinkle. Mold into a bowl with 50 ml of strong tea leaves and add to it a spoonful of flour and one fresh yolk. The mixture was stirred until uniform and apply to the face using a flat cosmetic brush. Keep the mask to feel contractions. Wash it first with warm water, then wipe the face with ice from the tea leaves.
- Moisturizing. Two tablespoons of oatmeal to grind flour, mix them with a spoon of honey and add as much tea leaves that the weight is not dripping from his face. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.
Masks made of white tea
Traditionally, it so happened that white tea is not too common in our kitchens. But if you are a fan of it, be sure to use the tea for its beauty. It is most useful substances, especially antioxidants. Thus, the mask with white tea:
- Whitening. Infusion of green tea (50 mL) was mixed with lemon juice half. Add to them a spoonful of thick cream and powdered oatmeal so much to give a thick mask. Apply to the face once or twice a week, hold the mask for at least 20 minutes.
- Toning. Mix in a bowl in equal amounts of orange and lemon juice, mashed fresh strawberries and white tea infusion. Lower in this liquid gauze mask with holes cut in it to the eyes and mouth. Damp cloth, apply to face and keep to dry. Ask your girlfriend periodically lubricate the tissue mass, which still remained in the cup.
Unlike some other masks, tea do not have contraindications at all. The exception may be the compositions in which honey is included. It can only be if a woman has an allergy to honey. Take yourself on the note our masks recipes and be always beautiful.