Masks for sensitive skin

Masks for sensitive skin

Agree, beautiful and smooth skin is a sign of health. But what to do if nature has rewarded it with sensitivity, and she reacts to the simplest stimuli? This manifests itself in the form of itching, peeling, redness and much more, which prevents you feel a confident and attractive person. Such skin needs much more, even sometimes in expensive care, rather than normal leather. And for sure the topic on how to act in this situation is relevant for many people fighting the problem.

The appearance of skin sensitivity

To begin with, we list some factors that could affect the occurrence of such a skin condition:

  • bad ecology, environmental pollution;
  • stress;
  • bad nutrition;
  • unverified or expired cosmetics and others.

As far as possible, try to protect yourself from the impact of harmful factors and emissions into the atmosphere. We are often selected on nature, eat right and buy only the cosmetics in which you are confident. All Tips We will look at further and in detail.

Care of problem skin

General recommendations:

  1. Contrary to all the delusions, the constant use of cleansing means will not make the skin cleaner, but on the contrary can only aggravate its condition. Excessive wash with the help of them blends the protective layer and creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  2. After washing the cream, it is necessary to apply in several layers, which will ensure better absorption and prevents a drying.
  3. Wash better baby soap with warm water.
  4. When buying funds, rely on the firms known to you.
  5. Visit the dermatologist at least once every six months.
  6. Try not to be nervous and walking outdoors.
  7. Secure the Sun with special creams (what to choose for your skin type - check in the pharmacy).
  8. Remember that everything is good should always be in moderation.

Tips for proper nutrition:

  1. Consume foods with a large content of liquid and vitamins (vegetables, fruits, juices, etc.).
  2. Try daily to drink more water.
  3. If possible, exclude fried, acute food, caffeine, alcohol from the diet, as they affect the sebaceous glands and the entire nervous system as a whole.

Masks for sensitive skin face at home

Few people want to spend money in the salon, because it is not a fact that the masters will do everything right, and often occur when it only worsens the health of the skin. There is a method much more efficient and cheaper - make a mask yourself. But before you take for cooking, you have to find out if you are allergic to any component. If it is, then from the use of such a mask it is better to refrain. We present you the choice of several miraculous recipes for sensitive skin.

Potato mask

To start scolding potatoes, then mix it with milk and with any juice (orange, lemon, cucumber or any other) to the state of the casis. Mask, hold on the face for about 20 minutes.


Oatmeal mask

We take 2 tbsp. Spoons of ground oatmeal, mix them with 3-4 spoons of milk or sour cream. We are waiting for the whole lot of this mass. We apply a mixture on a face for 15-20 minutes.

Medovo-cottage cheese mask

Support 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese. Stir up to a homogeneous state and impose on your face for 15-20 minutes. We wash the mixture with a tampon moistened in milk.

Egg mask

The face neatly lubricate vegetable oil and then we put egg yolk, rub in the face with moistened fingers. After that, the consistency foams and keeps 20 minutes.

Carrot-milk mask

We take 1 carrot and rub on a shallow grater. Then mix with 1 spoon of milk and leave it on the face for 20 minutes. Washed off all heat water. You need to repeat these actions at least 2 times a week.

Cabbage mask

We wipe the sensitive skin with olive oil and on 10-15 we apply a mask from Cashier with a white cabbage.

Of course, you can not want to mess around with the preparation of such masks at home and prefer beauty salons. But we are confident that beauty needs natural components and better spend half an hour a day, but to do it effectively and with the desired result. Your sensitive skin will say thank you.

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