Face Potato Mask

Face Potato Mask

Potato masks for a person will retain your skin young and healthy for many years, allow you to remain a real example for friends and girlfriends. Below we will deal, what masks with potatoes exist, and how they work.

Potato masks for dry skin

Funds from this product are suitable for any skin types, but best coped with moisture. To do this, he booke a few small potatoes and dismiss them in a puree with chestnuts, having previously removed from both the peel. To the resulting mass, add one spoon of olive or sunflower oil, mix and apply a uniform layer for 10 minutes and more. We wash off warm water, after use nutrient cream. It is better to carry out this procedure for the night so that the cream can not be removed, even if it is completely absorbed. Another moisturizing mask is easy to do, bothering the potatoes in milk and mixing it with several tablespoons of any fresh juice. The mixture data is recommended once a week, for 2 months. After it is worth a break or replace the mask by another composition. To increase the efficiency of funds, try to rinse them with a warm beer.

Masks for oily skin

For purification and nutrition of oily skin, masks from raw potatoes are used. A small root cornestode on the grater, add a whipped protein, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of beer. We stir, we apply for 10 minutes and wash off cool water. Alternative: crude potatoes are connected with a carrot and 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, so that it turns out a thick "puree". Wash off cool water, using twice a week, for a month. Also perfectly tones the fatty skin of the Kashitz from equal portions of boiled potatoes and the skyshest homemade milk.


Tightening and bleaching masks

These types of caring tools are suitable for any type of skin. To stretch small wrinkles, divorced some potato flour with warm water to the consistency of mashed potatoes. We pour a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide and immediately smear on the skin. Keep 10 minutes, wash off, repeat the procedure no more than once a week. A warm mask from freshly brewed young potato milk has a light whitening effect.

Why masks from potatoes are useful

The answer to this question is simple - the tubers contain a huge number of all sorts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. For example:

  • potassium removes excess water from cells, removing swelling;
  • vitamin K gives the face a healthy color, eliminates stains;
  • lutein protects against ultraviolet;
  • vitamin C activates metabolic processes and update of the epidermis.

How to make a potato mask

Any tuber is suitable for our task, however, it is believed that in pink potatoes Vitamins more. In addition, it should be remembered that many water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, do not keep purified vegetables for a long time in water. For the same reason, the cooking on a couple will give more benefit. The skin is removed as thin, as the maximum of useful substances accumulated under it.

Among other things, potato masks have one essential advantage - they do not at all cause allergies, completely organic and will not cause any harm.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 24/04/2021 at 8:27

Mask with potatoes has not yet met .... The note will try. I love them to do mostly simply because the process itself delivers. But I understand whose benefits, of course, not so much, as from the reception of collagen, for example. Nealarsky itself in the form of marmalade loyal. On the bush as candy, so I really like it. The skin is smooth, smooth and taped. No one does not give me even my age.

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