How to remove wrinkles under the eyes

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes

Sensitive skin around the eye does not have sebaceous glands and is not protected from aggressive environmental impact, which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the formation of wrinkles is irrational nutrition and bad habits, intense facial expressions. The skin around the eyes requires careful regular care long before the appearance of the first folds.

The most affordable and common method of combating wrinkles are a variety of cosmetic creams. It is necessary to choose a tool taking into account the type of skin and age. Apply a cream 2 hours before sleep by pads of unnamed fingers through massage lines: from external corners to the inner at the bottom century, then along the top with the internal one. Moves tapping, driven cream. It is impossible to rub, stretch the skin. Cream from wrinkles can be done at home: 100 ml of ragger chamomile mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Castor and butter. Store in the refrigerator up to 5 days. A large selection of creams offer manufacturers of cosmetics: Loreal, black pearls, clean line, Amway, Avon, Bioderma, Vichy, Yves Rocher. The cream is desirable to have such components:

  • retinol causes activation of collagen generation and eliminates free radicals;
  • essential oils are perfectly moisturized and enrich skin with nutritional elements;
  • coenzyme Q10 penetrates the lower layers of the skin and helps to cope with deep wrinkles;
  • kinetin is considered an effective antioxidant, moisturizes.

Quick and noticeable result will bring hardware cosmetology procedures:

  • the contour plastic is an injection of hyaluronic acid - a substance of natural origin (with age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases with age, so artificial administration will help restore the skin structure);
  • photographing with the help of directional light rays contributes to an increase in collagen generation;
  • mesotherapy is an introduction to the surface layers of the skin of a mineral-vitamin composition, which carries for the skin, accelerates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • botox injections block the work of the Mimic muscles, due to which wrinkles align;
  • professional cosmetology masks based on organic acids will noticeably tighten the skin, hissing wrinkles.

Regular performing exercises for the muscles of the face will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and reduce already existing. Make the following:

  • greased the skin around the eye with cream or natural oil, perform point movies with finger tips, as it were, playing on the piano, on massage lines for a few minutes;
  • blink quickly and sharply - it improves blood circulation and conducts drainage of mimic muscles;
  • close your eyes and hold 5 seconds;
  • press your fingers under the eyebrows and close, overcoming resistance, eyes for 7 seconds;
  • the ice cube made from the chamomile and linden decoction, spend around the massage lines around the eyes - it will improve blood circulation, pulls the skin, improve the structure.

Quickly, without expensive means and wrinkle procedures, you can hide with makeup. Several recommendations and tricks:

  • the basis for makeup must necessarily overlap on the moisturized skin, will become more noticeable on dry wrinkles;
  • the tone is better to choose the color of the skin or a little lighter, and remember that dark tones will boost;
  • the structure of the tonal cream should be light, silky, and heavy and fat cream are not suitable for the correction of wrinkles;
  • professionals recommend hiding wrinkles using a water-based corrector with a slightly lighter skin;
  • do not use the crumbly powder, choose creamy makeup tools;
  • the undermine the lower eyelid and the scoke of the lower eyelashes attract attention to the wriggles around the eyes;
  • wrinking on a white or pastel pencil mucosa of the lower eyelid, you create a radiance effect that distracts attention from wrinkles;
  • the shadows of the pearl palette emphasize the mimic wrinkles, better choose the monotonic shades of pastel tones.

The advantages of people's ways are the naturalness of components, availability, efficiency, but to achieve a noticeable effect, a long-term regular use of methods is necessary. In addition to famous compresses from cucumbers and massage ice cubes, traditional medicine is rich in recipes from wrinkles around the eyes:

  • honey mask: beat eggs in foam, in a melted honey add a bit of flour and gently interfere with whipped protein. Hold a mask in closed eyes 15 minutes.
  • To the warm olive oil to wet the sponge, attach to the eyes, leave for 20 minutes.
  • An effective tool from wrinkles is a coconut oil massage.
  • Several drops of castor oil, applied under the eyes, nourish and moisturize gentle skin, preventing dryness and aging.
  • Night cream can be replaced with natural butter: knock down the pillows of the fingers around the eye through massage lines.
  • Banana mask with olive or butter perfectly feeds and vitamins the skin around the eyes.

It is necessary to take care of the condition of the skin regularly: monitor meals, lifestyle. Do not forget about walks in the fresh air, full-fledged sleep and daily proper skin care. Then wrinkles for a long time do not disturb the bright shining eyes with youth.

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Lola 10/17/2018 at 15:26

Unfortunately, wrinkles under the eyes are a fairly frequent problem ... especially those of those women who have already had a climax ... With me, with tides, irritability, and in general a disgusting state, the skin will also deteriorate ... felt the old woman. But I just do not surrender)) I switched to proper nutrition, began to use the creams that slow down hormonal aging (cyclim) + on the proceeds of rejuvenating began to walk, I drink a boring uterus regularly ... In the end, the well-being is good, and the face has noticeably tightened that may not please))

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