How to remove pimple per night

How to remove pimple per night

Rash on the face, and simply speaking - acne - it is always unpleasant. But there are situations when it is necessary to look at all hundred, such as a wedding, a photo session, an important meeting, a date or something else. There are some proven funds that may help you get rid of acne or reduce inflammation in just one night before the planned event.

Lemon. Take natural lemon juice, moisten your cotton swab and apply to a problem area immediately before bedtime. You can also mix a few drops of lemon juice with cinnamon powder, prepared by the paste on acne. It is not recommended for use by people with very sensitive and dry skin, as well as prone to allergies.

Toothpaste. These are somewhat extraordinary, but, nevertheless, an effective means. Moreover, it is in any house. The toothpaste contains a drying substance - silicon dioxide. Use pasta only white, but the gel is not at all suitable. Apply a small amount directly to the inflamed skin area.

Broth of pharmacy chamomile. Chamomile calms the skin and stops inflammatory processes. You can wash it easier or decoction from the chamomile or to make a mark from a cotton disk flushed at night.

Eye drops. This tool reduces inflammation, relieves swelling and redness. This is possible due to its vasoconstrictor action. Take a small piece of watts, apply a couple of drops on it (visive, sodium sulphacyl), put a couple of minutes in the freezer. After that, place your wool on the pre-cleaned problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Cleaning, wool will be well held. The result will be in 20-30 minutes.

Salicyl-zinc paste. Sale in a pharmacy is effective in fighting acne. Apply point to inflamed places. In the morning, there will be no trace or small redness, which is easy to disguise.

Tea tree oil. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is very effective when dealing with acne. Apply a small amount of oil on your cotton wand and smear the rash it. Do not use too much oil, since even a healthy person, a clean essential oil can cause an allergic reaction and irritation.

Botamochy - good tea tree oil_1

Aspirin. Grind aspirin tablets and mix it with a small amount of clean water. Apply the paste to pimples all night. It has the same actions as the salicylovo-zinc paste, but in a slightly smaller effect due to the lack of zinc in the composition. But aspirin tablets are always almost in any home first aid kit.

Hot couple. Before applying any of the above-mentioned funds, you can make a steam procedure for a person who will help open and clean the pores. If you do not have a special device - the sauna for the face, you can dial in the container of hot water and hold the face over the ferry 15 minutes. Does not suit people with increased arterial pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Immediately after the procedure, carefully laughing the face with a napkin and use any means for removing redness and inflammation.


To avoid such unpleasant moments, observe a healthy lifestyle and put right. Take the habit of wash clean water and always shoot makeup before bedtime. And if necessary, take advantage of one of the funds already proven in the fight against acne.

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