How to get rid of acne for 1 day

How to get rid of acne for 1 day

Surely, many have come across such a problem as a pimple on the face. It is especially unpleasant when the acne pops up in the most prominent place, before an important event. Acne is a skin disease associated with the inflammatory process of the sebaceous glands and follicle. Get rid of him or at least reduce in a few days, but what should I do if there is only 1 day in stock?

Acne toothpaste

It is necessary to use a classic white paste and preferably with the components of any medicinal herbs: sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, with oak bark extract.
Application: Before bedtime, squeeze a slightly toothpaste to the fingertip. Find them acne. In the morning, remove it with warm water.

Aloe from acne

In aloe contains biologically active substances that carefully clean the skin, relieve inflammation and dried acne. Application: Cut the aloe leaf and squeeze juice. Then wipe the inflamed area of \u200b\u200baloe juice. Wipe it follows 2 times a day - in the morning and evening.

Based on Aloe, you can also cook lotions or acne masks that are suitable for daily use.


Salicylic acne

Salicylic acid known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect is very effective in fighting acne. Almost all lotions, masks and other drugs from acne contain this acid. Salicylic acid It is necessary to take 1 or 2%, a more concentrated solution can harm the skin.

Application: Moisten with a solution of salicylic acid with a woven disk and circular movements gently rub into the skin. Do not overdo it with rubbing, it is possible to get a burn. After a few minutes, it is necessary to spin the face with cold water.

Acne garlic

Garlic has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of different diseases. But, also garlic helps to get rid of acne, thanks to antobacterial and healing properties.
Application: Cut the garlic clove and gently wipe the acne with fresh cuts. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. However, it is not worth doing this procedure if you have a meeting with people, as the smell of garlic stays very long on the skin.

Acne acetylsalicylic acid

It contains useful components that do not harm the skin. Acetylsalicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory property. After a few hours of use, redness around the pimple passes, the edema decreases noticeably. Salicylic acid has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also able to eliminate the effects of acne treat, making spots with light.

Application: It is necessary to frish the tablet, add a few drops of water and mix so that it turns out to be Cashier. Massifying movements evenly apply on face or affected areas of the skin.

Lemon from acne

In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains essential oils, iron, organic acids, calcium, saccharides, magnesium and other useful components. Acne lemon juice has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, the acid contained in it deeply purify the tissues, and vitamins improve the metabolism. Such cosmetology compositions heal the wounds and contribute to the elimination of scars.

Application: Apply a tampon or cotton disk on the skin just squeezed lemon juice. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Honey from acne

Honey-rich in natural composition and healing qualities can be used in the treatment of many diseases, including various dermatitis. Honey against acne is also effective and because it acts softly, soothes and relieves inflammation, which contributes to the rapid healing of tissues.

Application: Apply a layer of thick natural honey on the skin cleaned skin. If the honey is liquid - you can use a gauze napkin. Rock warm water in 15 minutes.

To effectively eliminate rash, there is not enough single procedure, honey from acne must be used systematically. Based on honey, you can cook various masks and lotions, as well as make compresses.

141086120579-24. Flower honey 2.

Egg sphere

Egg protein is one of the main components of skin care products and hair. After all, they contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements that are very helpful to the skin.

Application: Separate the protein from the yolk, take a separate protein separately and apply the resulting agent to the affected faces. Leave until next morning, and then rinse with warm water.

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Anasta 03/23/2018 at 11:11

It happens that internal acne appear. I think my ointment Ilon helps. Redness removes for several applications, and the acne comes over the day.

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