Acne on the forehead is a frequent phenomenon that occurs for various reasons. Hateless pimples can be the result of incorrect nutrition or bad habits, malfunction of the digestive or enhanced action of sebaceous glands, avitaminosis or hypervitaminosis, reception of hormonal drugs or antibiotics. The reasons for the occurrence of acne on the forehead a lot of many, as well as ways to get rid of them.
Any treatment of rash loses meaning until the functions of the internal organs are restored. First of all, take care of healthy diet and sufficient quantity of clean drinking water daily. Try to refuse to eat fast food, carbonated drinks, smoked, sharp, sweet and fat. Harmful habits will also have to quit. Only the correct diet and healthy lifestyle can speed up the process of getting rid of hated eels on the forehead.
No smaller role is played by compliance with hygiene rules. Wash out several times a day, in the hot season - more often. Do not overdo it with cosmetics, because they can deliver more troubles, rather than use. Cleansing tonic or soothing milk will be quite enough. Although many dermatologists believe that even their best to retain their way.
There are several simple rules, the observance of which will become an excellent start to get rid of acne. Do not abuse cosmetics, use only those tools that fit your skin type and are manufactured by proven brands, regularly make cleaning masks on a natural basis. Of course, this is not enough to achieve the final result, but without complying with the above rules not to do.
Next, pay attention to drugs available almost every step. In the fight against acne will help you: Zinyrit, Baziron, Klezit, Differin, Skingen gel, etc. If there is no possibility to consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist, do not forget to carefully examine the instructions before starting the course. Unfortunately, not all drugs are so harmless, as it would seem at first glance. Some funds have unexpected side effects that are better to read in advance.
For fans of alternative medicine there are separate treatments. So, the compresses from the tincture of sage and chamomile perfectly clean the skin and remove inflammation. It is enough just to take 2 spoons of dry grass and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. No less beneficial effect on the skin tincture from the horsetail and linden. The principle of cooking is the same, actually as the effect.
Often in the fight against acne use a mask of brewed Hercules or carrots with cottage cheese. Another optimal option is the aloe juice. The juice of the lower leaves of this miracle plant is able to stimulate the skin, kill bacteria, soothe irritation and remove itching. Disposable use of folk agents The bright result will not bring, but systematic use of tinctures, masks and compresses will necessarily lead to full cleaning of the skin of the forehead.
As auxiliary tips, use the following hints: Drink an empty stomach of a glass of clean water (for the output of toxins from the body), wash away with a weak solution from water and lemon juice, wipe acne with ice cubes from the daisy or plantain, spend a lot of time on the street (ozone therapy - excellent assistant In the fight against acne).
The main thing is to remember that it is impossible to get rid of acne in one day, regardless of what kind of treatment you have chosen. Start patience and confidently go to your goal.
Share advice:"How to get rid of acne on the forehead"
Of course they knew, very much depends on the nutrition. In addition, I do not eat sweet, fried and other "non-preferabilities", I still periodically clean the body from slags and toxins with the help of enterosgel, also cool helps to get rid of acne.
To get rid of acne, you need to monitor meals and not drink alcohol and fast food. Did you know about it?
Of course they knew, very much depends on the nutrition. In addition, I do not eat sweet, fried and other "non-preferabilities", I still periodically clean the body from slags and toxins with the help of enterosgel, also cool helps to get rid of acne.