Chocolate wrapping at home

Chocolate wrapping at home

Chocolate wrapping is one of the most effective means to combat cellulite and extra kilograms. In addition, with the help of a sweet mixture, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin and get rid of pigment spots, acne and gumons. In this article we will tell you how to make chocolate wraps.


Before conducting the procedure, it is desirable to handle the body scrub. To do this, use ready-made cosmetics or make a scrub on your own. Mix honey with coffee dense or oat flakes. The resulting mixture is sweetened by the belly, hips and buttocks. You can lie down a little in a warm bath, so that the pores open. Only then should be applied a chocolate mixture to problem areas.

Chocolate wrapping at home

Recipes of chocolate pastes for wrapping

Cocoa powder mixture

For the preparation of pasta, pumped into a bowl of 2 packs of cocoa powder, it is somewhere 160-200 g. Heat the water, but do not boost it. Constantly stirring, pour the liquid into cocoa powder before getting a thick casher. Diligently rub the mixture so that no lumps formed. Apply the resulting paste on the body and clog it with a food film. In the salons to improve the effect, thermal windows are used, but you can hide the warm plaid and lie down 30-40 minutes. Instead of water in cocoa powder, milk can be added, so the skin will become silky.

Chocolate wrapping at home

Anti-cellulite paste from bitter chocolate

To prepare the mixture must purchase two chocolate bars. Need to buy an expensive product suitable for making chocolate confectionery coating, it is sold without packaging and is quite inexpensive. Smash the tiles into pieces and put them in a saucepan. Heat water in a large container and immerse the little pot of chocolate. Constantly stir the mixture until a viscous mass. Pour into it 2 tablespoons of olive oil and leave to cool. While the mixture is still warm, spread her body and Wrap film. Lie on your bed or chair and take cover with a blanket. Soak for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the "cocoon" and rinse the paste with warm water.

Chocolate wrapping at home

Chocolate wrap with ginger

This procedure is suitable for improving the elasticity of the skin and get rid of cellulite. To prepare the chocolate in a saucepan, boil a half cups of milk. Stir it in 100 g of grated ginger root. Continuing stirring, pour the liquid into the cocoa powder. It should be 200-250 g Stir the paste, it will be a little liquid, but it must be so. Now gruel soak a clean cloth or gauze and apply a compress on the problem areas. Cover the cloth and cover with polyethylene covers. Try to survive 30 minutes. If the mass is very burning, wash it off immediately. Before carrying out such a procedure can not be applied scrub.

Chocolate wrapping at home


Purchase at the pharmacy spirulina and soak it in cold water overnight. Algae have become soft. Suit and the usual seaweed, which is sold in grocery stores. Place the seaweed in a blender and chop them. Pour the cocoa powder with hot water and stir to obtain a slurry. Mix the chocolate paste with crushed seaweed. This gruel soaked gauze and wrap it the problematic areas of the body. Procedure duration of 30-50 minutes.

Chocolate wrapping at home

As you can see, to make chocolate body wrap at home it is quite simple. cost of the procedure in the cabin is high enough, but at home you can get rid of cellulite and become slimmer for little money. Do you need to wrap a day. It is necessary to carry out 10 procedures.

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