Pepper wrapping how to do

Pepper wrapping how to do

Red pepper - not just seasoning to meat and fish dishes, it is a great remedy for cellulite. Due to the spice, blood flow is enhanced and metabolic processes are activated. After several procedures, the skin smoothes, and cellulite disappears. In this article we will tell how to make pep opposition.


Remember, if you have sensitive skin or its illness, give up the procedure. In addition, pepper wraps are contraindicated in varicose veins and vascular mesh. Before the procedure should not clean the skin and apply the scrub. This, of course, will expand the pores, but will increase the burning sensation when applying anti-cellulite paste with pepper.

Pepper wrapping how to do

Recipes of pepper wraps

Pepper-honey wrapping

Preheat on the water bath half a cup of honey and pour into it a tablespoon of red ground pepper. Pour a tablespoon of cream in Kashitz and apply a means on the stomach and buttocks. If cellulite hips, apply a paste and on them. Keep in mind, it is impossible to apply the means to the inner side of the hips and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. After the whole adhesive mass was on your body, clog it with a food film and instead the blanket. It is necessary to lie 20-40 minutes. If the substance is strongly burning, immediately wash it. Remember to reduce painful sensations - use cool water.

Wrapping with pepper and cinnamon

For the preparation of anti-cellulite pasta, pumped in a bowl of 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and red ground pepper. Add vodka or brandy to the powder so that Cashier turns out. Apply a substance for problem areas and climb them with cellophane. Put a warm sports suit and deal with charging. You can just lie down and hide the warm blanket. Keep the mixture on the skin you need 40 minutes. The first time you can reduce the procedure up to 30 minutes. Wash the pepper paste with cool water and lubricate the skin with anti-cellulite cream.

Pepper wrapping how to do

Pepper salt wrapping

In the saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of honey and pour into it a tablespoon of a mixture of peppers. It can be cooked independently or purchased in the spice store. The mixture consists of red, black and fragrant peppers. In the honey-pepper cleaner, pour a tablespoon of black ground coffee. Mass obtained sticky. When cooled pasta, it becomes very thick, so hurry and apply a means to the skin while it is still warm. Take the body with a film and lie to rest, having preheated by a blanket. Keep anti-cellulite paste need 30-50 minutes. The wrapping course is 1 month. The procedure must be done every other day. During this time, the "orange crust" smoothes, and the waist and thighs are reduced.

Pepper wrapping how to do

Pepper wrapping with mustard

In a small ass. Mix the tablespoon of mustard powder with red pepper. Add some vegetable oil to the resulting powder and drop an orange extract. Apply the resulting cleaner on problem areas and clog them with polyethylene. Thanks to the irritant effect of pepper, blood circulation is improved, and cellulite is smoothed. The film gives the effect of the sauna, in which the excess moisture is leaving. Keep such a mask you need 40-50 minutes. After that it must be washed under the contrasting shower and lubricate with anti-cellulite cream.

Keep in mind, it is recommended to use fresh ground pepper, it is good quality and acts more efficiently. If you have sensitive skin, when cooking anti-cellulite wraps, choose some one spice.

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