Hot wrapping: recipes

Hot wrapping: recipes

Women dreaming to have an ideal figure, which just do not take: observe the strictest diets, they are engaged in sports and even make plastic. And what if you have cellulite? Everyone knows that it's not easy and expensive to cope with such a problem. To do this, visit the beauty salons and carry out anti-cellulite massage, special injections or wraps. At home, to overcome the "orange crust", it is better to do hot wraps.

The concept of hot wraps

Wrap - this is the process of applying a certain substance to the skin, followed by windflowing. Hot wrapping differs from cold in that the mixture, which is imposed on the body, is slightly heated to T \u003d 38ºС. With this procedure, you can completely get rid of the problem, the skin will become an elastic, smooth, silky. Thanks to her you lose in the amount of 2-5 centimeters. The wrapping process is pretty nice, you do not have to tolerate patients with pressure on problem areas and injections. The only thing that the effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on whether you comply with the necessary meal and do physical exercises. Only in the complex with these measures you will defeat cellulite.

Contraindications and restrictions

Before proceeding with a cosmetic procedure, make sure you have no contraindications. And be prepared for unpleasant consequences, at first, some of the representatives of the wonderful sex are noticing. These include: dizziness, weakness, elevated heartbeat, skin rashes. Over time, the unpleasant sensations will be held. They are related to the fact that when wrapping in blood, toxins and fats splitting products fall into the blood. Specialists do not recommend performing this process if you have the following limitations or illness:

  • adolescents up to 18 years;
  • future mothers;
  • women with gynecological pathologies;
  • heart disease and vessels;
  • hypertension, varicose veins, skin diseases, kidney problems;
  • tumors of different etiology.

Advantages of hot wraps

If you wish to make it at home, then simply pick a moment for this, as you need an hour of free time. Favorable time for the procedure is the morning clock or lunch. Note that during the period of menstruation, the wrapping is contraindicated. For the process, prepare a scrub, food film, warm clothes, plaid and any anti-cellulite cream or a mixture so that the wrapping is effective.

The useful characteristics of hot wraps include the following actions on the body:

  • enhancing blood circulation;
  • improvement of the digestive process;
  • reducing the volumes of hip and waist;
  • the skin becomes gentle, smooth, disappear stretch marks, cellulite.

Process wrap

Any procedure comes down to one: first you cook the mixture, then make a scrub on a problem area, put the cooked crap and wrap the body part of the body. Then you wrap and are in the state of resting 45-55 minutes. After that, you will need to take a shower.

Recipes hot wraps

Recipes There are many, let's look at some of them:

  1. One of the most popular wrapping agents are algae. To do this, you need to purchase brown algae in the pharmacy (laminaria). Then pour them with hot water (60ºС), cover the bowl with a lid, let them last. After 25 minutes, he heat the mixture to 38 degrees and wrapping for an hour.
  2. According to the reviews of the fair sex, very effective wrapping with clay and thermal mud. To make a procedure, we need the dirt of the Dead Sea or Blue, Black, Green Dirt. Divide one of the data components with warm water (T \u003d 38ºC) and do wrapping.
  3. Useful features of honey are known to everyone. Housewives successfully get rid of orange crust and with it. The drug is prepared in the following way: I lower two or three spoons of honey and as much droplets of essential oil, heating again to 38 degrees, and everything, the mixture is ready.
  4. Do not be discouraged if you do not have the above products, make a cashem out of ground coffee or loss of green tea, add warm water to one of the ingredients and a bit of essential oil.
  5. If there is a cocoa, chocolate mask that you will appreciate not only its action, but also a wonderful aroma. Take a pound of cocoa and pour it into hot water or milk to the mixture looked like a cream, then imposes on the body and wrapper.

As you can see: at home a woman can improve your body, but you have to put a little effort and give yourself time.

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