Acetic wrapping for weight loss: reviews

Acetic wrapping for weight loss: reviews

Perhaps it is difficult to find a woman indifferent to the topic of weight loss. Even the owner of impeccable forms detain their attention on information illuminating the novelties in this area. The method of weight loss and combating cellulite with acetic wrapping can be attributed to such new products. Before applying this method in practice, it will be reasonable to learn about its essence, degree of efficiency, familiar with the contraindications.

General characteristics of the method

Acetic wrapping is a cold way of wrapping, which acts as follows. When contacting with a damp cloth moistened in acetic solution, body vessels are compressed, and then gradually expand, and the body begins to absorb the sour salt solution dissolving fatty deposits. Gradually, the tissue is heated from the heat of the skin, the body is heated greatly, sweating appears, the flow of blood and lymph is accelerated. The body begins to get rid of superfluous.

Advantages of acetic wrapping

Advantages of acetic wrapping:

  1. The main advantage of acetic wrapping is its availability. It can be easily held at home, as there will be inexpensive techniques for this, and the procedure itself is simple.
  2. To combat overweight, there are a lot of money, but only acetic wrapping gives a quick effect, extra kilograms go immediately.
  3. Acetic wrapping helps to improve not only the figure, but also the skin condition, it becomes smooth.
  4. In addition, through reinforced sweating, the body gets rid of accumulated slags.

How to conduct acetic wrapping

To carry out a wrapping, you will need several things: food film, cosmetic aromatic oils, fabric or terry towel and vinegar itself 6% or 9%, it must be natural (apple or grape). Vinegar is bred in half with warm water and add a few drops of beloved oil. Then the fabric is soaked in the resulting solution and immediately turn it out the necessary part or the whole body. From above applied a film to create a thermal effect. The time of procedures with full wraps - one and a half hours, with partial - 45 minutes. The next wrapping can be carried out no earlier than two days. The full course is 10-15 procedures.


When conducting acetic wrapping, use our advice:

  • The heat effect is easy to achieve if at the time of the procedure to lay in bed and hide the warm blanket. If you carry out a separate zone, it is possible to use clothing in contact with the problem of the body instead of it, it makes it possible to engage in familiar business during the procedure.
  • When it becomes hot, the sweating comes to strengthen it, you need to drink hot tea.
  • It is important to ensure that the sensations were pleasant, and the body was warm, discomfort and the feeling of the cold say that the process goes wrong.
  • Many advise to achieve a faster effect before wrapping massage to warm up the body. To do this, you can use the brush.
  • Important after the completion of the procedure is good to rinse the body under the warm shower.
  • The procedure ends with applying moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream.


This method of slimming has contraindications, namely:

  1. Even small injuries on the body can cause pain.
  2. Acetic wrapping for persons with cardiovascular diseases is not recommended.
  3. In the occurrence of allergic reactions, the procedure should be discontinued.
  4. Menstruation.

Often, the means to help us achieve the desired are very close. An ordinary apple vinegar, no doubt, can be attributed to such means. It will be a mistake not to take advantage of his wonderful properties.

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