How to wind the food film

How to wind the food film

Women use food film as the main weapon in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. The wrapping of the film is considered an effective and cheap procedure that is easy to carry out at home.

Features of the procedure

During the procedure, a cream of a certain composition is applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body, then it is wrapped in film. The body temperature rises, the sweating increases. However, the subcutaneous fat layer does not decrease, with then only moisture and glycogen comes out, which is much in the muscles. The effect is short-lived, moisture is quickly returning, so together with wraps it is necessary to use other ways to correct the figure. During the course of procedures, pay attention to food. Drink more fluid, eat vegetables and fruits, fish, do not eat late in the evening.

Procedure materials

For wraps, an ordinary food film is needed, purchased in the store. A mixture for spreading can be purchased ready or independently by selecting the recipe you like. Popular ointments include coffee, green tea, algae laminaria, mustard, honey, aromatic oils.

Session time

Wrapping can be carried out at any time of the day by parallel with other cases - reading or viewing the TV shows. If there is a mustard as part of the ointment, it is allowed to perform light exercise for warming up. In other cases, it is better to hide warm and lie 30-40 minutes.


Body preparation

With the help of a scrub, clean the skin on problem areas. To do this, apply a substance on the skin and smear by massaging movements, then rinse with water. To warm the skin, massage it. Thus, pores will open, and harmful substances will come out without problems.

Wrapping with sea cabbage

It is considered a very effective means to reduce weight and get rid of cellulite. For the procedure, you will need a laminaria, black clay, citrus oil. Take algae and clay in the same volumes, add water to make the mixture easily fell, pour some oil. Wrap the body into the film. Cover the blanket for 40-50 minutes. Then wash the cream with water and spread the body with oil from cellulite. Wraps spend a day for 30 days.

Honey wrapping

Effectively combination with other components. Honey-based ointment nourishes the skin enzymes and vitamins, displays slags, toxins, rejuvenates the skin. You can mix dry mustard and honey in equal proportions, the procedure will appear a slight burning. Green tea also adds to honey. Grind 5 spoons of green tea, fill with water until the casket is obtained. Pour 2 tablespoons of honey, add cinnamon. All other operations are similar to the previous one.

Clay ointments

The clay includes many elements that restore the health of the skin, such as zinc and silicon. It is useful in combating fatty sediments and cellulite. You can use black, blue and other types of clay. Before applying clay, diverge in the tincture of herbs (from chamomile or a hormour). Sometimes cinnamon oil is added to the clay. Course - 10-25 procedures, follow a day.

Procedures in Ban

To enhance the effect, it is possible to wrap in the bath. Initially, go to the steam room twice and clean the skin scrub. Take a shower and apply ointment on the body. In the bath it is recommended a mixture based on clay, medicinal dirt or honey.

Full wrapping

For the procedure, the assistant will need, which will wipe you completely, to the head, and heat the heat, the session lasts 2 hours. Course - 10-15 procedures, follow a day.

The wrapping results appear after the first procedures, but to bring the figure to order, it should also be properly eaten and physical procedures. Wrapping is contraindicated, if you have problems with pressure and heart.

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