Mustard for weight loss

Mustard for weight loss

Mustard is a popular seasoning to a variety of dishes, but there is still purely female use of spices as a cosmetic agent. Once beautiful half discovered that thanks to the mustard, you can get elastic buttocks, smooth tumids and beautiful legs. So the procedure "mustard wrapping" appeared.

First, check the body's reaction to the mustard - the spice can be of different fortress, and the skin is different sensitivity. Apply seasoning to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body. If you feel a strong burning, reduce the amount of mustard in the mixture and add vegetable oil. If necessary, rinse the skin with cold water. Make sure there is no body allergies on the seasoning. It is impossible to use a recipe for hypertension, heart impairment, pregnancy, oncological diseases.

Apply the mustard mixture a very thin layer on the body area and wrap the polyethylene film. To achieve the maximum effect, turn warm socks, sweater or shorts and actively move 20-30 minutes. You can do fitness or yoga, play with a child or clean in the room. A sign of the effects of mustard on the body is burning. After the procedure, go to the shower, then lubricate the places where the bandage is mitigating or moisturizing cream.

The effect of mustard wraps will manifest after 10-15 sessions, 2 sessions are allowed per week. For a course, you can cut the waist for 5-10 cm. In addition, cellulite will disappear, the skin will become smooth. The secret of the spices lies in its exposure to the skin at which the blood flow is enhanced and the body temperature increases.

Recipe 1 - mustard with adding honey. Proportions of honey and mustard - 1: 1. If the skin is sensitive, the proportions are Others - 1: 2 plus a bit of olive oil. Honey heat up to 40 degrees and melt to a liquid state. In the mustard powder, add some hot water, and then pour into honey and mix thoroughly.

Recipe 2 - mustard with black clay. Dining-spoon of black clay dilute with water to a liquid state, add a teaspoon of honey and mustard. All mix to a homogeneous mass and apply on the body. To reduce the waist procedure, spend 2 times a week, for prevention purposes - 1 time.

Recipe 3 - mustard with cream and lemon juice. Mix 2 tablespoons of dry mustard, half a teaspoon salt and two teaspoons of sugar. Dilute with hot water to a liquid state and squeeze juice from half lemon in a mixture. Cover the capacitance with a lid and leave the workpiece per day. Then pour 1 tablespoon of dry milk and two tablespoons of honey and mix ointment. The course can last from 5 to 10 sessions, procedures spend a day.

The second most popular procedure is mustard baths. It is recommended to carry out before bedtime. Take a bath in underwear, the body is forbidden to completely fall under the water, the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart should be over the water. Prepare a warm bathrobe to stay warm after the bath. After the procedure, turn on the shower and wash everything from the body, then spread out the usual moisturizing creams.

Recipe 1. Carefully dissolve 100 g of mustard powder in 1 liter of water. Komki are not allowed, they can cause local burns. Type 38 degrees in the bathroom with a temperature. Pour the prepared mixture and mix. Sit in the bathroom for 15 minutes. After the procedure is dressed in a warm bathrobe, and you can go to sleep. The recipe is suitable for preventing excess weight.

Recipe 2. It differs from the first greater concentration of mustard (150 g per 1 liter of water), reducing the temperature of the water in the bathroom to 30 degrees, the time of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes. The option is more suitable for weight loss.

Reviews of the use of mustard weight loss in most cases are positive. But any ways will not give the result if you do not adhere to the right nutrition and refuse to exercise.

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