How to reduce Talia

How to reduce Talia

Thin waist - the dream is absolutely any girl. After all, the ideal waist makes a woman of any proportions, even the most distant from the standards of beauty, beautiful, feminine and sexy attractive. However, in order to achieve an ideal form, you need a daily painstaking work on problem areas, proper nutrition and appropriate mood. Tips on how to reduce the waist as quickly and efficiently, read further in this article.

Effective exercises to reduce the waist

To create an Osin waist, special exercise must be performed. Special attention is paid to the sides and stomach, evenly distributing the load on all the muscles of these problem areas. Perform every exercise five minutes a day, and the result will not make yourself wait long. If you seriously decide to reduce the waist, take these exercises:

  • Stand straight, hands along the body, legs on the width of the shoulders. Keep the back smoothly, but do not strain. Begin the stomach and hips to make circular movements around the imaginary vertical axis, first clockwise, then against.
  • Stand straight, pull forward and lean forward with a straight back, until you touch the floor. Touching the floor, slowly return to its original position and again lean. Now it is necessary to touch the palms of the legs, first left, then right.
  • This exercise can be performed both standing and in a sitting position. Tighten your belly as much as possible and immediately stick it. Must be a kind of wave of your abdomen. Make the exercise as quickly as possible, as active oxygen, which activates metabolism in cells and organs, falls into the abdomen and fat layer.
  • In the struggle for a thin waist, the good old hoop will help you. Twist it as much as you wish. The best effect will be with 40 minute studies daily. As soon as you feel that classes are given to you easily, buy a wrap with weighting and continue to twist.
  • Look at the enezole or native and familiar disk "Health" - a special disk simulator to create a thin waist. You can spin on it, even if you do in the kitchen.

Diet for a thin waist

If you dream to find a thin waist, do not do one exercise. You will need to revise your diet and follow the rules of healthy nutrition. It is necessary to reduce its daily calirage and include a number of products that contribute to a decrease in weight in the menu.

To begin with, it is important to start the process of weight loss, and for this we need a cleansing complex. Take the rule for a month to get up hours at 6-7 in the morning and eat a molecule. For cooking, 3 spoons of oat flakes are used, boiling water in the evening with three spoons. In the morning, add a spoonful of milk to flakes, a spoonful of honey and five walnut nuts. After ate porridge, for three hours it is prohibited to eat and drink, even water. After three hours you need to have breakfast.

For a thin waist, a balanced and healthy breakfast is important. The correct breakfast normalizes the processes of digestion and starts the process of burning calories. For breakfast, whole grain porridge, eggs and fruits are perfect.

During the day, drink clean bottled water. Water will not give appetite to appear too often and contributes to the withdrawal of toxins from the body. To make it easier to control the volume of water drilled, type it in advance in a decanter or in a two-liter bottle.

Fit small portions up to six times per day. The volume of portions should not exceed 200 ml. Thus, you teach the stomach to perceive a small amount of food, and it will reduce in size over time. Frequent nutrition launches digestion processes and stimulates metabolism.

Use healthy fats as a snack that only help relieve overweight. Monounsaturated fats are contained in nuts, seeds, bitter chocolate and avocado.

Exclude from the diet all products containing hydrogenated fats and make the maximum focus on fiber-rich foods. They give a long sense of satiety and improve the work of the intestine, eliminate constipation and bloating.

Exclude the consumption of carbonated drinks.

We reduce the waist with clothes

It is possible to reduce the waist and visually, with the help of correctly selected clothes. Here are some secrets:

  • Posted by a femininity figure and visually reduce the waist will help the belt.
  • Wear jeans and pants with a high waist.
  • Choose a beautiful and universal corset.
  • Wear skirts and dresses in the form of a trapezium.

As you can see, finding a thin waist - the business is troublesome, but quite sat down. As in any business - the main thing is not to rearrange. Therefore, evaluate yourself in real and make your waist, what exactly is it for you. And in order to correctly correct the power mode and choose a service load, consult your doctor.

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