How to reduce thighs

How to reduce thighs

Once wide hips were the benchmark of female beauty and the subject of the conciseness of men. Today, priorities have changed - in fashion, a slim elastic body with sharp legs. Therefore, almost all the owner of the magnificent forms dream of to lose weight, and the former tightness, for some reason weighing the weight, seek to return their model parameters. We will help both those and others, and tell how to reduce the volume of the hips correctly and for a long time.

Food and Drinking Mode

Immediately note that the correction of nutrition will bring you a double-benefit, because it will help not only reduce the hips, but also reduce the weight of the whole body. Therefore, we recommend referring to what you eat every day, responsibly. In terms of food quality, the focus do on vegetables, vegetable oils, chicken or turkey, fish and seafood, nuts and dairy products, fruits in fresh and dried, porridge (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat). Divide the daily food volume on 5-6 receptions, and plan the main reception at the morning. No less important in the process of reducing the volume of the correct drinking mode. To calculate your daily rate of water (it is water, not liquid in general) in liters, use the following formula - your weight (in kg): 30 and try to drink no less than a day.

Aerobic loads

Aerobic activity is one of the worst enemies of excess weight. Consider this and determine for yourself the optimal view of Cardio classes. The easiest way of such activity is walking, the most efficient - running, swimming, aerobics, cardiotrymen, cycling. Therefore, we walk more, arrange evening walks, jump on the rope, do not use the elevator. Decide to run - start with 5-7 minutes in a light pace 2-3 times a week and gradually bring the duration of the runs up to 45 minutes. To get the effect of cycle loads or swimming, try to pay attention to the classes at least half an hour.


Physical exercise

Exercise is the tool that will reduce the hips, and will make them elastic. Best of all "pull up" the area of \u200b\u200bthe hips and buttocks of squat, lunges, exercises in the steppe and the ball, maha, information and breeding of legs in variations, where the load goes precisely on these problem areas. For greater efficiency, turn on the process of burdulum in the form of dumbbells or weights for legs, dress a special thermoemonic. You can carry out the exercises under the supervision of the coach in the hall or at home, picking up the complex yourself. For example, using exercises from our video posted at the end of the article.

Massage and self-massazha

The role of massage in reducing the volume of the thigh lies in the stimulation of blood circulation in the places of fat deposition, which leads to increased metabolism in them and, accordingly, the removal of extra liquid and toxins. You can arrange such a manual stimulation with your "Halifer" in a massage office, and you can do it yourself. As a massage tool, you can use shower, rigid washcloth, special massagers or your own hands. Ideally, the self-massage is better to spend on a sparkling skin after the bath or soul (or right in it) using special means that in conditions of such application penetrate deep into the skin and have a maximum effect. In the process of massage, it is possible to use ready-made cosmetic creams with anti-cellulite, fatty and tightening effect. And you can make such an independently based on honey or any base oil with the addition of grapefruit, lemon or orange essential oils.


Wraps - Another way to activate metabolic processes in problem areas, and therefore, make them beautiful and remove such a definition. The essence of wrapping is to apply to the desired portion of the body (in our case - the thighs and buttocks) of the active substance and the coating of its food film for 20-30 minutes. As such a means, you can apply chocolate, seaweed, natural coffee, mustard, herbal extracts and champs, compositions based on honey (with cinnamon, red pepper, ethereal) and clay. To create the most optimal conditions for the action of the active substance, an additional "thermal" effect is needed (climb under the blanket or insulating, putting the thermoemones or warm pants).

As you can see, the scheme of combating fatty deposits on the hips on the hips differs little from the schemes aimed at correction of volumes in any part of the body. Therefore, try not to leave it, and the volume will leave not only with your hips.

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