How to get rid of abdominal fat

How to get rid of abdominal fat

Flat, tagged tummy is an integral element of a beautiful, sporty figure and an indicator of a good physical form. There is a sufficiently large number of ways to get rid of fatty deposits in the abdomen. All of them are effective, but they need time, patience and, should be made, certain efforts. Expressive women can be slim and charming. For lazy, there is a liposuction procedure. But today is not about her. We will tell you how to get rid of fat on the stomach at home and as soon as possible.

What is the stomach fat postponed?

Unfortunately, a number of factors contribute to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, for example:

  • unbalanced, improper nutrition;
  • excessive consumption of sugar, flour products;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lacking;
  • stresses and nervous tension.

Remove fat from the abdomen, normalizing food

Proper, healthy nutrition accelerates metabolism, does not give to accumulate fat, activates fat-burning processes.

  • Eat fractional portions 5-6 times a day.
  • We reduce the size of the portions gradually until we bring one meal until 200 g.
  • Most of the diet should be non-hosted vegetables.
  • We use more fiber more in food, it blocks the absorption of sugar organisms and helps split fat on the stomach.
  • You can use the dry flax fiber on a teaspoon 2 times a day, picking up with an abundant amount of water.
  • We try not to use harmful sugar.
  • We replace the usual calories and not useful desserts with honey, dried fruits. You can eat marshmallow without additives and dyes, marmalade and jelly.
  • The flour should be replaced with useful loaf without yeast.
  • Refusing fat, roasted and smoked.
  • Fish and drunk meat, bake, carcass.
  • We eat as much salads from greenery.
  • Salads refuel lemon juice or olive oil.
  • We make a menu with different dishes and try every day there is a variety of food, rich in all the necessary organisms with vitamins, minerals and microelements.
  • Sometimes you allow yourself a little harmful food, sweets and other favorite delicacies, so that healthy nutrition is not quickly bored.
  • The last meal must be two or three hours before sleep.
  • Every day we drink at least two liters of ordinary clean water. Water helps to lose weight and beneficially affects digestion, skin condition and hair.
  • After eating, you should not drink anything within 40 minutes.
  • 20 minutes before meals, drink one or two glasses of water.

What products and drinks should be refused to get rid of the fat on the stomach?

  • Roasted and strongly sweet drinks, such as the shop from the package, are prohibited.
  • Alcohol contributes to the accumulation of fat and obesity of the body.
  • From smoked products grows belly and cellulite appears.
  • Flour products and white rice better exclude from the diet.
  • No longer buy mayonnaise and other store sauces.

Physical Loads for burning fat on belly

  • Morning jogging on an empty stomach.
  • Swing the press three times a week.
  • Squats contribute to the splitting of fat throughout the body, including on the stomach, and well strengthen the thighs.
  • Lifting the straight feet shake the lower press and help reduce the fat layer at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • We jump on the rope at least 200 times a day. During jumps, the fracture splitting processes in the abdomen are activated, the tone of the whole body increases, the ears on the hips are reduced.
  • We carry out the statistical exercise "Planck" at least a couple of times a day, lingering in pose for 30 seconds. Rack time should be increased by day.
  • We carry out breathing gymnastics, it will help to quickly remove fat from the abdomen.

Cosmetic Fat Treatments

  • The contrasting souls contributes to the acceleration of metabolism and pulls the skin.
  • Lunts of belly for weight loss. Effective means are honey, sea salt, chili pepper oil, orange essential oil.
  • Abdominal massage with vitamin E, orange oil will help get rid of fat, make skin elastic and elastic.
  • The scrub of sea salt or soda during the adoption of the soul contributes to getting rid of fatty deposits.

Slim figure and flat stomach will not be a dream for you, but reality, if you adhere to the right nutrition, drink a lot of water and play sports. It is worth approaching the issue of getting rid of fat on the stomach complex, then the result will be visible faster. You can be beautiful and sports. Our advice will help you not only to acquire an excellent physical form, but also to improve your body, make the skin, hair and nails are more beautiful.

Comments leave a comment
Nastya 05/10/2020 at 13:09

To remove excess fat from the body, I can advise the lipotropic factor from Evalar. I myself accept courses and I can not say anything bad. Moreover, even cholesterol in the norm leads. Of course, sport, food ... But the supplements also should not ignore, it also depends on them.

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