How to go to proper nutrition

How to go to proper nutrition

It doesn't matter, a man you or a woman, a young girl or a mature man, about beautiful outdoor dreams every one. Clean and attractive skin, gorgeous hair, beautiful smile, slim figure - what could be better? Agree, you would definitely not refuse such changes. What are you willing to make in order to achieve all this? If you think that after sitting on some miraculous diet for a while, and then starting to eat calorie food again, you can change a few days or weeks, believe me, you are deeply mistaken. Nothing good will fail, except that only bring the harm to its body.

How to achieve beauty and harmony? - you ask. Proper nutrition is the key to success, it should be the principle of your life. It is a "one-way ticket", and those who are not going to stick to it all the time, then it is not even worth starting. Proper nutrition is not only beauty and harmony, but also the key to a long life without disease.

Scheme of proper nutrition

The first thing to start is to remember the standard clear scheme of PP, it will help to learn when and what you need to eat throughout the day. 5 meals are classic healthy nutrition.

  1. Breakfast - protein, complex carbohydrates. You can cook for a long-term cooking oatmeal, omelet or muesli without sugar, eat a handful of nuts or berries and so on. If you really want to eat much so much, it is also better to eat for breakfast, up to 12 days.
  2. The first snack depends on the density of the breakfast, it can be a loaf with cottage cheese, a little dried fruit, a handful of nuts or any fruit.
  3. Lunch - fiber + carbohydrates + protein, for example: buckwheat with boiled chicken breast + vegetable salad.
  4. The second snack - protein, the main thing follows the volume of its portion. The snacks should not be large.
  5. Dinner - fiber + protein: cottage cheese / beans / eggs / meat / chicken + salad.

All, that's the whole scheme of PP. Agree, everything is very easy and simple!

List of purchased products for proper nutrition

Go to the store, do not forget to write a list for yourself, in which you will definitely turn on the fruits and vegetables green, red and yellow colors. Also do not forget about whole grain bread, eggs, cottage cheese, greens and meat. Now you will not just eat, but "Burnt" greens! Yes, yes, it never happens a lot. Instead of a couple of green onions, you need to eat a whole plate of lettuce leaves, parsley, dill or something your beloved and green, and only then feel the tide of freshness and vigor. Buy greens more! Do you go to proper nutrition? Then forget about the usual folding to the basket of all the shower wishes, instead, buy only products for healthy eating. Some products that can not be found on the shelves can be ordered in online store. Power should be diverse.

Mythical high cost of proper nutrition

Many argue that proper nutrition is expensive. We assure you that the diet is based on low-fat dairy products, natural caress, local fish, white meat, as well as vegetables of your region, a much cheaper diet of semi-finished dumplings and a kitlet, as well as dishes from fast food cafe.

List of inexpensive products:

  • Apples, beets, carrots, garlic, onions, cabbage.
  • Chicken fillet, which is much cheaper pork.
  • Mashai, Lemmem, Cod.
  • Non-fat cottage cheese, kefir.
  • Lentil, millet, buckwheat.

Overcome the borders

Suppose you decide to eat right, I remember the scheme weighted, came to work, and in the dining room served roasted potatoes with cutlets. And what to do, because I want to eat. Take your food for snacks. It will not only save you from hunger, but will help not be seduced for the wrong food.

Refuse harmful products

Tell me "No":

  • Canned, replace them on frozen berries, fruits and vegetables. Salting out and other delicacies bad banks contain preservatives or salt thereof, the same applies to products in cans (peas, corn, sardines, cigarette butts, etc.).
  • Kafeshnoy street-food, it does not mean that you have to flatly refuse to get-togethers with friends. No, just choose a place where you can enjoy a healthy and useful food. But that's about the hot dogs, burgers and potato "fries" have to forget, they are very harmful.
  • White bread and all products containing yeast. Whole grain bread breads, this is what should now lie in your breadcrumb.
  • Sugar, replace it on honey and fruit.

Drinking mode in proper nutrition

This advice is in the last place, but it is important and decisive in proper nutrition. Man, one kilogram of its weight, on average it is necessary to drink 30 ml. water.

Now you are armed with the necessary information and know how to eat correctly, than guided by this and where to start, and therefore you can safely begin to change in your usual diet. Eat correctly and you will be happy!

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Olga 26/09/2020 at 8:28

Waiting, the miracle diet was not and will not, beauty and youth is achieved with the help of proper nutrition. I advise you to gradually change the food habits so that there is no stress and thoughts a la "I torment myself a diet." I have an evalar antioxidant formula, a cool vitamin and mineral complex for longevity and health to a healthy diet.

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