Kefir - the basis of this diet. It is useful for the intestines and stomach and will help to lose weight. The seven-day kefir diet is suitable for getting rid of unnecessary weight and to relieve the body.
Correct kefir correctly for a diet
The weekly kefir diet is based on a fermented milk product with a fat content of 1 percent. His calorie content - 40 kcal. Buy a fermented milk product that meets the installed GOST standards. According to standards, there must be 10 ml of 2.8 g of protein. Permissible fat rate - ranging from 0.5 to 8.9%. Pay attention when buying a kefir:
- for its shelf life. Buy kefir no older than two or three days from its manufacture. The long storage period of the product indicates the presence of additives that interfere with the development of useful microorganisms in the kefir. Choose a product with a minimum shelf life;
- on the naturalness of the product. Do not take it substitutes - ryazhenka and prostrip. Choose a product carefully, now there are many drinks on the market, which "pretend to be kefir.
Kefir Strict Diet for 7 Days
The essence of the monodi is the use of 1.5 liters of kefir for a week daily at a certain time. All products are prohibited. Additionally drink a liter of purified water and a couple of cup of ground fresh coffee. But such a dietary mode will be sustained not all. Therefore, there is a strict diet, it is more gentle. In addition to daily use of 1.5 l kefir, the strict diet menu is as follows:
- first day. Cook 4-5 pieces of potatoes and eat them before taking kefir;
- second day. It is allowed to eat 100-150 g of boiled chicken fillet or 400 g of degreased cottage cheese;
- the third day. Add 200 g of boiled beef or 400 g of fruit to ration 200 g. Grapes with bananas under the ban;
- fourth day. Weld 150-200 g of low-fat fish fillet or 400 g of chicken breasts;
- the fifth day. Seat salad from cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and apples. Fuel with vegetable oil, do not put up;
- sixth and seventh days. Drink mineral water, and no products - only kefir.
Repeat the diet every six months. Food prepare without salt and spices. On average, you lose weight by 5 kg and even more. The diet is prohibited by people with diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines.
Kefir gentle diet for a week
This feeding mode is more gentle. The essence of the diet is to eat food in a well-defined time. For a week we lose up to 5 kg, but no more. Drink 1.5 liters of kefir for the day. The menu of this option is as follows:
- 7-00-8-00. For breakfast, drink a glass of kefir;
- 10-00. On the second breakfast, make 200 g of carrot salad with vegetable oil;
- 12-00-13-00. Lunch approached. Bog boiled egg and one boiled chicken fillet. Drink a glass of fermented milk product;
- 15-00. Apple is suitable for afternoon;
- 17-00-18-00. During dinner, eat 10 pieces of raisins and prunes. Apple is allowed;
- 21-00. Drink a glass of kefir at night.
Other varieties of a kefir seven-day diet
There are other varieties of such a diet:
- apple-kefir. A rather hard meal of food, people with internal organs are not recommended. During the week, consume one kefir and apples. For a day, eat 1 kg of acidic or not very sweet apples and drink 1 l kefir. If an unbearable hunger occurred - eat a small piece of boiled chicken;
- comfortable diet. Every day, during a week, the same products are used at a certain time. For breakfast, lunch and late dinner drinking a cup of kefir. In the afternoon, it is allowed to eat 150 g of vegetable salad with olive oil, 80 g of low-fat meat, an apple, buckwheat porridge without oil and salt, boiled egg and dried fruits. During the day, drink 1.5 liters of water between meals. Do physical exercises. Repeat the course in a month. The result is a slimming of five kilograms.
Features of a kefir diet
Get out of the diet correctly. Do not drink much water immediately and do not eat. The body got used to get some food. A sharp return to the former diet will hurt the stomach and the body, in general. After the completion of the dietary food, refuse time from the sweet, oily and flour. Smoothly leave the diet with the help of porridge, fruits and vegetables.
Kefir diet will not fit pregnant women, nursing moms, people with oncology, patients with renal and heart failure. Forget about such a weight loss method if you have a stomach ulcer, an acute form of gastritis, problems with pancreas and a bubble bubble.

During the use of a seven-day kefir diet, you can lose from 5 to 7 kg of weight and even more. This is an excellent result for a short time. But dietary power supply provides for a serious product limit and may be dangerous to health. Therefore, first pass the full survey of the body and if everything is in order with health - start kefir experiments.
I can share my kefir experience of weight loss: I immediately understood that no weekly and 9-day diets would not pick me up, it is not realistic in the work schedule. And at home everything is spinning, like hungry wolves, feed meat fried, but I have to endure. She chose for himself one day in the middle of the week a purely kefir, and Kefir make an elder, these extra fifty calories do not change anything, and a sense of saturation is much more sustainable. Before this day and after it, we use fermented fermented drinks, cottage cheese, sour cream, boiled vegetables and fruits as it turns out.
Thus, holding its sizes in a constant form for a long time, got rid of gastritis and intestinal problems, which often led into the most unexpected moments. I use ready-made yeats for homemade kefir and yogurt so that you have delicious, fresh foods. One bag is enough for three liters of milk so that the whole family is accustomed to fermented milk drink. For children, I make sweet cocktails with ice cream and various sweet additives.