How to remove the belly after cesarean

How to remove the belly after cesarean

All girls and women dream of being beautiful and slender. But, unfortunately, the happy motherhood postpones his comfrequency on the mother's figure. Return again to your forms and get into your favorite jeans - easy! You need a huge desire and a bit of perseverance, and we will tell you how to achieve the result in the most reduced time!

How to remove the belly after cesarean

This article discusses the correction of nutrition and exercise. But, it is worth noting immediately, you can start pumping press only after the full healing of the operational seam is usually spent from 2 to 6 months. But this does not mean that you have to admire the stomach all this time. Start getting rid of the "empty bag" you can still be in the maternity building. For this, enough:

  • 1-2 days after operational intervention, start wearing a postpartum bandage. Elastic fabric will help avoid stretching the skin of the abdomen and restore stretched muscles, leading them into a tone.
  • With breastfeeding, follow proper nutrition. Avoid greasy, sweet and high-calorie Products. It is necessary to eat fractionally, 5 times a day.
  • As soon as bleeding and pain disappear, it happens about 10 days, start as often as possible with the baby. Gradually, the pace of walks increase to the rapid step, it is fast walking that contributes to the burning of unnecessary calories.
  • Love your sagging tummy and start to care for him. Take a contrasting shower, make a peeling, lubricate distressed places with anti-cellulite creams and gels. Olive oil copes well from folk remedies.

You can start the enhanced methods of the "Figure Return" after the seams on the RubE will finally heal and will be held all the time limits.

How to remove the belly after Cesarean - physical exertion

To acquire a beautiful figure you need to do physical exercises. Of course, numerous diet and starvation contribute to the reduction of weight, but not long. As soon as you have a disruption and you will be merged with a sweet cake, extra kilograms come back again! But, if you become the owner of strong muscles, such a trouble will not happen. To do this, you need to regularly carry out exercise:

  • Plank - on a solid surface, take the position, as when performing pushups, only in this case the bodies will be on the elbow. Hold the body in this position 10-15 seconds, increase the time for 10 seconds every week.
  • Exercise on the press - lie on the back, bend legs in the knees. Perform the lifts of the housing, touching one of the elbows to the knee, smoothly dropping back. In the initial pores, perform lifts 10-12 times.
  • Pelvices - take the position lying, pull your hands along the body. Lift the pelvis, lingering in a position for 5-8 seconds.
  • Birch - lying on the back throw my legs behind your head, mind your hands into the lumbar department, as if holding the body. Gradually pull the legs up, as much as possible, wait 2-3 minutes. Over time, increase the execution of up to 30 minutes.

How to remove the belly after caesarean - meals

As mentioned above, we do not approve weight loss using a diet. In order to adjust the weight and leave it forever, you need to stick to the right nutrition, only sometimes allowing yourself excess. Moreover, the correct and healthy die supply mum is laid with breastfeeding kid.

  • Extra kilograms are gained due to excess overeating, the body simply does not have time to spend calories contained in large portions. The volume of food should fit in your fist, and the number of techniques must be distributed 5-6 times.
  • To overclock the metabolism and enhance fat burning, drink a large amount of clean water. By 1 kg of weight, the daily rate of consumption is 30 ml. Suppose your weight is 70 kg - multiplying 70 by 30, we obtain 2 liters of 100 grams.
  • After 18.00, you are mild. Vegetable salads are ideal, skimmed kefir, green tea and fruit.
  • Fully refuse sweet products - cakes, buns, cakes. Use you and the baby composition of these products will not clearly bring, but add extra kilograms will definitely.
  • Try not to salt the food consumed, it is salt that prevents the withdrawal of unnecessary kilograms from the body.

If you comply with these recommendations, you can lose 1 month to 5 kg of weight, without hurting your health.

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