How to remove raid from the language

How to remove raid from the language

From time to time, harmful microbes are accumulated in the language, which cause the occurrence of plaque and as a result - unpleasant smell of mouth. In most cases, the flaw appears due to insufficient oral hygiene. But sometimes it can signal about the existing diseases.

Standard cleaning. To eliminate the plaque, it is important to clean the tongue every day. This can be done with a toothpaste and brush. Also for these purposes are sold special spoons. Start cleaning from the farthest language and gradually go to the front. Well clean your teeth. Rinse your mouth with a special solution after each meal. Experts recommend using a toothbrush with ultrasound - it eliminates bacteria.

Cleaning with medicinal braids. If the flight bothers you too often, rinse the oral cavity of medicinal herbs, for example, calendula, chamomile or sage. Take 1 tbsp. l. The selected grass in a dry form, pour it with a glass of boiling water and cover the lid. A few hours later, the broth will be ready. Carry out a rinse after each meal. Also for these purposes you can use the alcohol tincture of propolis. Dissolve a few drops in the glass of water. All is ready. Therapeutic herbs and tinctures of propolis are sold in a pharmacy.

Purification by vegetable oil. Take 1 tsp. vegetable oil and put it into the tongue. Then turn them out in the mouth for 7-10 minutes. Do not swallow oil! Cleaning occurs due to oil binding of harmful waste. After this procedure, the main flare must disappear. If you use this method for two weeks, the language will be cleaned completely. If the flare does not pass after cleaning, it is a sure sign of the existing diseases that need to be eliminated. To identify a specific problem, it is enough to look at the tint of the plaque.

White raid. Not considered a deviation from the norm. But too thick layer may indicate a long constipation. Also, the white shade at the root of the language indicates a violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if he does not pass for a long time, it makes sense to turn to the gastroenterologist.

Dark plaque. Gray may indicate a violation of the stomach and intestines. The brown shade appears in people who often use alcohol. Also, this color is found in smokers, it may indicate the disease of the lungs. Green flare is extremely rare. He testifies to the existing Glossite. To eliminate it, you must contact a dermatologist. Black raid arises in the rarest cases. This shade indicates a strong defeat of the digestive organs, Crohn's disease, cholere, etc. In this case, the patient already knows about the existing problem.

Yellow raid. Weakly pronounced shade is considered the norm. It can occur in dry weather and the hot season. But if it becomes saturated, there is a reason for anxiety. The sign indicates the presence of one of the following diseases: damage to the liver or biliary tract, jaundice, disruption of the operation of the digestive organs, excess bile in the bustling bubble.

Flap with stains. Spots can be formed at Glossite, but when it is treatment, they pass themselves. They may also indicate the appearance of thrush. In this case, the stains are formed not only in the language, but also in other areas of the oral cavity. Small spots (like strawberry) that do not bring discomfort are the norm.

Clean the tongue with each cleaning of the teeth. Thus, you will prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor and the feeling of discomfort. If you have any disease, eliminate the cause of his appearance, and the flight will pass.

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