Delete moles

Delete moles

A small pigmented area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is called the Mountain (Nevius) (its color depends on many factors), which can wear a character of benign or malignant education. All people have moles, someone on skin cover they reach a huge amount, and some to recalculate them, enough of all the fingers on their own hands. Is it possible to remove moles and in what cases it is worth doing - we will analyze in our article.

First of all, you should know that any mole due to the impact of many circumstances is able to be reborn in melanoma (skin cancer), and there are neutuses that cause big concerns about this. They need to pay attention and think about the feasibility of their removal.

To factors that may adversely affect the mole (to change its color, form, contours, size) and provoke the development of skin cancer include:

  • Constant injury to the neutus linen, clothing, accessories, comb.
  • Excessive impact of ultraviolet and its negative impact on all skin. Note that while on a bright sun, even if you close the mole, not protected skin cover, satuated by the radiation of the sun, transmit the resulting excess of the radiation of Nesus, and this can serve as an impetus for its transformations.
  • Hormonal changes in the body associated with diseases, in women with pregnancy or menopacteric period.

If Molenia causes you tangible discomfort, the volume has increased, it has changed the integrity, density and pigmentation, inflammatory processes appear on the skin around it - this is a direct reading to turn to the oncologist and raise the question of its removal. If there is no inconvenience from the presence of mole on the skin, it is not a cosmetic disadvantage, does not change its appearance for long years - it is not worth conducting any interference.

Independent attempts to get rid of the moles are unacceptable! Any manipulation (cavity, unscrewing, rubbing, bandaging, baking) with neules at home can lead to very deplorable results - from the trace of terrible scar to the growth of skin cells and the formation of a malignant tumor. Only an experienced oncologist (not a dermatologist and not a cosmetologist), conducting appropriate surveys, can give conclusion and permission to conduct interference in the Mountain and choose the appropriate way for this.

The modern method of removing moles is quite safe, painless and very compromised. With the help of a laser (minor point formation), liquid nitrogen (small nevures), surgery (large formations), electrocoagulation or microwaves (both small and large moles) The defect is completely eliminated, without leaving no traces on the skin.

The removal of moles is a very relevant question, especially with the existing risk of their rebirth. Be sure to attend the dermatologist and oncologist once a year in the year, so that specialists can professionally assess the level of danger of your nevus.

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