How to stop monthly

How to stop monthly

Menstruation is a natural process in the life of every woman, and there is nothing catastrophic. But sometimes allocations are too abundant, they begin not in time, violating long-awaited plans. And at the threat it turns out a trip to the rest, a romantic date, wedding, sports competition or another celebration. Once it is impossible to postpone the event, you can try to speed up the ending ending.

Buckle nettle. This is one of the most innocuous ways to make allocating more scarce. For the preparation of a drink, take 4-5 tablespoons of dry burning grass, pour ½ liters of hot water and boil on a water bath for 5 minutes. Take a tripled day at half a glass before meal. It is impossible to drink such infusion to women with thrombosis and poor blood clotting.

Shepherd bag. This remedy is prepared as follows: 1 tsp of the grass to brew 200 ml of Vara, insist, cool and drink at a time.

Decoration of the Highlander of the Laptop (Water Pepper). The hemostatic property is due to the presence of polygoperine and vitamin K. in the composition of the glycoside, pour 4-5 tablespoons of grass into the bowl of 4-5 tablespoons, fill with two glasses of steep boiling water and hold down a bit in a water bath. After cooling, drinking half a cup before eating three times a day.

"Vikasol". This medical preparation contains artificially created vitamin K, which localizes hemorrhagic phenomena in the body. Recommend the medicine can only a gynecologist after analyzing blood intake and clarify the level of vitamin to a woman.

"TRANSAM" is a hemostatic product of a new generation. Produced in tablets and in the form of a solution for injections. Indication to use is the increase in fibrinolysis. The drug is effective, but they should not be abused.

"Ethalizila" or its analogue "Ditinon". A positive effect is caused by the formation of thromboplastin. The result is noticeable after 15 minutes after taking the drug. The risk of thrombosis and increased blood coagulation is minimal.

Dufeston. This is a synthesized analogue of the human hormone of progesterone, and therefore harmless to the female body. Its action applies to the endometrium of the uterus, contributing to the end of menstruation.

It is not recommended to interfere in the natural processes that occur during the menstrual cycle. This may lead to deposits. If the sharp necessity arose, then it is better not to stop periods, but push them off the offensive in one direction or the other. The advisor to this will only be a gynecologist.

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