Scooty monthly - reasons

Scooty monthly - reasons

Many women do not attach importance to the character of menstruation, but the duration and frequency of allocations play a big role. Experts argue that if blood loss is less than 50 ml - there is a violation of the menstrual cycle.

One of the reasons for meant menstruation is weight loss. Many people torment themselves improper diets and excessive physical exertion. In the pursuit of the wrestling of women deprive their body the opportunity to work normally, and in nature, he must contain a higher share of adipose tissue, unlike male. But excess weight can also be the reason for the occurrence of scanty menstruation. Therefore, it is important to choose the right food habits and plan a schedule of physical exercises. The reception of vitamins is very important - perhaps the body simply exhausted due to their shortage.

The women's body affect the slightest changes in the mood, climate, environment. Frequent stresses can also lead to the occurrence of scarce secretions. They may be accompanied by painful sensations and last just a few days. In this case, you need to do restoration of impaired nervous system.

Minor allocations may begin due to the admission of hormonal drugs. During the hormonal failure, the amount of blood released is greatly reduced. Therefore, the reception of inappropriate contraceptives can change the nature of menstruation.

Another reason is the occurrence of disorders in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or peritoneum. For example, if there is an endometrite, the inner mucosa of the uterus is inflated. Symptoms of the disease are pain in the abdomen and periodic bleeding, which have no relation to menstruation. If the functionality of the ovaries is disturbed, not only scanty periods, but also the change in their color is observed. Another reason may be a violation of the thyroid gland.

Monthly may be scarce or absent in general during lactation (breastfeeding). In this case, it makes no sense to worry, because this condition is normal for the female body. But after the cessation of the period, the menstrual function must recover and operate in the same mode.

If scanty discharge occurred during pregnancy, this may indicate the threat of its interrupt. Some women take them for ordinary menstruation, so it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Also, minor discharge can appear before the onset of menopause (stopping menstruation as a result of the termination of the ovarian work).

Scooty discharge can begin due to insufficient puberty. If they just started, it may occur to periodically and are accompanied by a change in the nature of menstruation. Experts argue that the normalization of the menstrual cycle occurs within a few years after its occurrence.

Another reason is cleaning and scraping. Within a few months after intrauterine intervention, the cycle must normalize. To determine the true reason, you must contact the gynecologist. The doctor will ask to pass various tests and conduct diagnostics. On this basis, he will assign proper treatment that will help restore the menstrual cycle and prevent his violation in the future.

Any changes in the character of menstruation must be alarmed. In most cases, nothing serious happens, but in some situations there are violations of various functions. Therefore, it is better not to experience fate and turn to the gynecologist in a timely manner.

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Galya 16/06/2018 at 13:22

My reason was just in the occurrence of menopause, and perhaps, this is the worst phenomenon in the life of a woman, are still afraid to grow old. But I want to calm all the ladies, in fact, not so shatter, how to make it small, it is important to choose the appropriate therapy, and so, in principle, all the same)) I myself adopt the doctor's advice and the scratch-Sipmoma's decoction) Well, to the departure or to the non-monuity of menstruation you get used to over time

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Galya 10/10/2019 at 13:20

Usually it may still be a sign of approaching climax. I was exactly the way ... At first, the scarce periods, and then completely their extinction. But these are flowers, in fact ... Then the most unpleasant-riding and insomnia began. Only the ice formula of menopause and tincture on the root of peony helped. Now I feel good, unpleasant symptoms are not overcome)

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