According to statistics, most women at least once in their lives experienced premenstrual pain. Some of them were so strong that even movement was becoming impossible. In such cases, first of all it is necessary to remove pain. For this there are different techniques.
The most efficient means are painkillers. But if the pain is not expressed too much, it makes no sense to take them, because to some extent they bring harm to the body. It is preferable to use other ways, for example, applying the heating, receiving sedatives, drink relaxing and useful infusions, breathing exercises, massage. Each method has its own nuances, so we will look at them in more detail.
Reception of painkillers. The following drugs are used in good demand: "Analgin", "Spasgan", "Ketanov", "Nimesulid", "Baratgin", "But-Shpa", "Ibuprofen". If you are experiencing strong pains every month - consult with a gynecologist about the acquisition of the most suitable drug. If the funds do not help, try painkillers with a double dosage (for example "ibuprofen"). If the pain is not very pronounced, try to eliminate it with another way.
Receive sedative medicines. If you feel that we have been perpelled, take a calming agent. Even Valerian is suitable. Menstrual pain may appear due to the restless nervous system. If you are often experiencing stress, start strengthen your nervous system As soon as possible, other disorders appeared.
Warm heater. Take the heating or a bottle with warm water. Attach it to the stomach. This method will help to increase blood circulation, as a result of what spasms will decrease. Some experts note that heat can cause bleeding, so keep the heating of no more than 15 minutes. Then learn calmly and do not load yourself for a whole day.
Herbal drink. During menstruation, it is recommended to drink a lot. You can drink any hot drink, but for our goal it is best for tea with herbs. The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy in a dry form.
Chamomile. Take 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile and pour it with a glass of boiling water. For a more effective effect to the chamomile, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. Melissa. Give a drink for at least 30 minutes, then strain. Infusion you can drink throughout the day before meals.
Raspberry leaves. Take 2-3 hours l. Leaves of raspberries and pour her glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, straighten the drink and drink in small sips throughout the day.
Oregano You will need 1 tbsp. l. souls. Pour it with a glass of boiling water, and after 20 minutes. Drink can also be drunk during the day.
Breathing exercises. Experts argue that breathing exercises are very effective for removing spasms. Take a light object and put it on the stomach. The book is ideal (by type directory). Tune in to calm, then start slowly and gently breathe your nose. Simultaneously with a breath, raise your belly with a book. Then stop and strain it. After 5 seconds, continue the breathing exercise with deep muscle relaxation. Perform it no more than 2 minutes.
Massage. Another effective method is a massage. A simple option - massage the stomach in a circle. You can also make a spine massage. In some cases, this technique helps a lot. Take 2 tennis balls (or other solid) and put them in socks. Then lie on them and place on both sides of the spine. Try to ride the balls with muscles for 2-3 minutes.
Diet. If you want to get rid of pain during menstruation, pay attention to your nutrition. Before you begin menstruation, it is not recommended to eat meat and dairy products. It is preferable to drink natural juices, especially parsley, carrot and beet. Also, experts recommend using vitamins: calcium, magnesium, in and e. The day before the start of menstruation, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food intake or not at all.
Physical exercises. Take 25-20 minutes per day. All women who experience pain during menstruation show yoga classes. It was found that women, leading a healthy lifestyle, suffer much less often from menstrual pain. Therefore, if necessary, review your lifestyle, the routine of the day and give up bad habits.
If the pain arose for the first time, this may indicate the appearance of any disease. In this case, first remove the pain, and then pass the survey at the gynecologist. If there are pain in menstruation each time, and you still have not appealed to the doctor - do not hesitate. In most cases, nothing is serious, but the survey is necessary.
Every woman has everything individually, therefore, a single recipe for eliminating menstrual pain does not exist. But, by setting the goal, you can choose a suitable agent. The above tips will help you choose the most effective way for your body.