What can be drunk when pregnant from headaches

What can be drunk when pregnant from headaches

Expectation child  –  this is wonderful and very important period v life each women. But, to regret, this is beautiful time can darken numerous problems sO health. Head pain –  this is one from unpleasant states, worried future mother.

occurrence head pain w. pregnant women

Head pain maybe protrude how self disease or maybe manifest v video symptom anyor other diseases. Reveal cause can outside from character pain, her localization, duration, a also from those situation, at which pain arises, enharged and weaken.

Self common causes:

  • Migraine. Pulsating pain with increasing degree intensity.  Usually manifest v one half head and enharged at movement.T just observed painful sensitivity to light, nausea.
  • Gestosis. At gestosa head pain maybe manifest on background enhance arterial pressure.
  • Reduced arterial pressure. Characteristic pulsating, stupid pain v whiskey, less likely v zatil, accompanied by nausea, vomot, weakness, decline forces.
  • Increased arterial pressure. Observed constant, tupay, gaze pain v zatil.
  • Cluster head pain. Strong shooting pain v region forehead and eyes. Also causes redness and edema persons, tears sO parties pain.
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases. Pain maybe have any character and localization. Necessary consult with attending doctor.
  • Stressful factor. Squeezing head pain v parietal region and v whiskey; varies from middle before weak, but occasionally pain it happens enough intense.

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy

Pregnant women it is forbidden accept medicines without destination doctor. Almost all preparations removing head pain, can negative influence on flow pregnancy and development fruit. TO tom same, treatment depends from causes head pain. But, thread not less, tolerate head pain not costs, so how  this is also maybe disadvantaged affect on pregnancy.

If head pain enough strong, can single accept paracetamol or preparations, v composition which there is paracetamol (Panadol, Efferulgan, Nooofen.). Also relieve from head pain will help But-sAP.
Pregnant women contraindicated Aspirin, a also Citramont, Askofen. and Citrapar, adoption which  maybe lead to complications and development pokov w. fruit.

Women, waiting child, better total suitable treatment folk means. Consider several methods national treatment from head pain:

  • Help take off head pain decorations from soothing grass: mint., shipovnika, melissa or romashki.. Dosage necessary watch v instructions.
  • If increased pressure, necessary anoint on whiskey orange or grapefrute etheric butter.
  • If pressure vice versa, dropped, will help strong sweet tea.
  • At moderate head pain can accept conifersalt bath (100 g.. sololi., desirable nautical, stir with 2 art. l.. extract coffee) or simply wash head cool water.
  • Applying to temporal, lobnya and toward region compresses with cold water or ice also make easily head pain.
  • Get rid of from head pain can applying nS lBU dressings with slices raw potato, or with leaves cabbage, or with cut sheets aloe.

Preventive Pregnancy Prevention

Observing some regulations prevention can decrease probability occurrence head pole at pregnancy. Future mom. necessary balanced four, fuck out, do walk on fresh air and on possibilities, more rest and relax.

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