Causes of the occurrence and fight against headache

Causes of the occurrence and fight against headache

There is no man who would not have experienced headaches. The brain fabric does not have pain nerve endings. This means that the brain cannot hurt. But these receptors are located in the walls of vessels, brain shears, as well as in nearby fabrics and structures. The pain can be primary or related to other diseases. To search for the causes of its occurrence it is necessary to take into account localization, character, intensity and provoking factors. Headache may be harmless, and may be a symptom of severe disease.

Head stress headache

This is the most common type of headache, which is found in 75% of cases. Modern life makes us constantly be in tension. This reacts the mimic muscles of our face. After a long spasm, the muscles and tendons begin to root. Under the skin of the scalp is a large tendon aponeurosis. It is he who often leads to the emergence of headaches.

To combat this type of pain, it is necessary to pay attention to the cause. If it is possible, you need to limit yourself from different emotional stresses. Can help the reception of sedatives or sedative tea. When pain occurs, you can make a head massage. To do this, it is better to use special massagers. To remove the spasm you can also anoint whiskey cream - asterisk.

Vascular headache

This type of headache is the second most prevalence. Brain vessels react pain on critical pressure changes. This can be both an increase and decrease in blood pressure.

With hypertensive disease, a long increase in pressure is observed. This is accompanied by a pulsating and common headache. To eliminate pain, it is necessary to fight the root cause.

Meteodependent headache also occurs in the cerebral vessels. Sensitive to magnetic storms people should follow the special calendar. It specifies the days of outbreaks of magnetic activity, which is better to take off or restrict yourself from physical and mental strain.

Cervical headache

The brain is provided with blood from two major arterial beds. Problems with pool carotid artery do not occur very often. However, with the vessels of the neck are worse. The two vertebral arteries pass through the narrow opening of the cervical vertebrae. Sometimes the holes are narrowed and compress blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. In this case, the pain is localized in the occipital region. Used for treating neck massage area, gym and compresses Dimexidum.

Headache in tumors

Skull has a closed space. In this regard, there is a certain rule in the skull is brain tissue, cerebrospinal fluid and blood, while increasing the volume of one of these components decreases the volume of the other two. If cranial tumor begins to grow, it increases the pressure and reduces the intracranial blood flow. This gives rise to severe headaches with loss of consciousness.


This type of headache is often confused with the usual severe pain. Not every intense headache should be called migraine. Migraine is translated from French means - half a head. Accordingly, there is pain on only one side of the head. It may precede the appearance of visual illusions. The reason for migraine - a spasm of blood vessels of the brain stem. The problem should be dealt with neurologists.

Headache in the inflammatory process

Encephalitis and meningitis are accompanied by a severe headache. Also, they are characterized by fever, photophobia, vomiting and violation of various brain functions. Even doctors can miss these diseases if they are mild. The disease may be suspected in the period of tick activity, which can cause encephalitis with a hidden passage and headache.

It is not necessary to suffer headaches and stuff themselves useless pills. If you notice at a regular headache, do not waste time and consult a physician. Given that the cephalalgia can be a symptom of more serious diseases, they can be detected in the early stages of development, which will simplify treatment and improve prognosis.

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Gel 10.12.2018 at 16:02

I usually started to hurt against the backdrop of the weather change. The gincoum and walks in the fresh air (although it was also hard to force himself) ... In general, of course, there can be a lot of reasons ... Only a doctor can definitely say.


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