Migraine - how to remove pain

Migraine - how to remove pain

Migraine attacks man feels much stronger than a typical headache. It can lead to severe pain, annoying nausea and vomiting, special susceptibility to light and sound. A pulsating pain can quickly destroy the day and intervene in life. A person should not sit back and wait for the end of the attack of migraine. Pay attention to simple steps to be prepared for the following diseases of the disease.

We save massage from migraine

With pulsing pains, pull down the lobe or press the thumb for a few minutes to the remission on the browse. Points for certain places will make your brain make a little relax and even relax. Although it increases the pressure in the skull, but such a procedure relieves excessive tension.

Migraine Neck Rotation

A complex of simple exercises that stretch the neck can remove the intensity of headaches. Move your chin vertically and horizontally body, rotate the neck around each shoulder. You can also try to slowly move the neck in a circle, which will cause relaxation of its muscles.

Migraine grape

Grapes are excellent painkillers. Drink natural grape juice, and better prepare it yourself to resist pain. You can take mixed fresh, ripe grape berries with water.

Find a quiet, dark place to relax with migraine

Light and sound susceptibility is one of the most common symptoms of migraine. Hide from these things if possible. It can help find relief from pain and relieve stress. Lower and control your breath. Try to do slow, deep breaths with a diaphragm. Feel the lifting of the belly with a breath and drop with exhalation. It can help relax. Deep breathing and relaxation exercises can help reduce and relieve migraine attacks.

Caffeine can help from migraine

Cup of coffee can help stop migraine. Many drugs contain caffeine, because it enhances the effects of treatment. People with migraines that use caffeine more than three days a week can develop dependence on alkaloid, which will increase the number of headaches. Moderation is a key effect and helps many people find relief.

Try hot or cold therapy from migraine

If you have ever put ice on an injury or a heating on your back from pain, you know the strength of temperature therapy. She can also help withdraw a migraine attack. Perhaps the patient will have to experiment to decide what he feels better. Some people calm the ice pack attached to the head, and the other helps the heater or hot shower. Such therapy is safe and effectively can add treatment with drugs.

Migraine treatment is a more complex process than the admission of simple pain relief. The patient may need several different tools for fast and efficient treatment of symptoms. Use these steps the next time you feel the migraine approximation. Over time, you can find your best way to treat alert.

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