The causes and prevention of a stroke of the brain

The causes and prevention of a stroke of the brain

A stroke is an acute disturbance of cerebral circulation, which leads to damage to brain tissue. This is a serious disease that has a serious course and an unfavorable prognosis. There are several reasons for its occurrence, but almost each of them can be prevented or delayed.

White brain stroke

It occurs due to the overlap of the lumen of the vessels. They can overlap blood clots or atherosclerotic plaques. The lumen of the vessel can be narrowed by the pressure of the growing neoplasm. Violation of blood flow leads to ischemia of tissues that are in the zone of branches of the affected vessel.

The ischemic stroke is not characterized by loss of consciousness, and the symptoms depend on the localization of the focus. Plots are scattered throughout the brain, each of which is responsible for a certain function. Most often, ischemia occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle cerebral artery on the left. This leads to a violation of speech function, as well as the movements of the limbs from the opposite side.

Red brain stroke

This option is heavier. It is characterized not by overlap of blood vessels, but by bleeding. Bleeding can occur in the thickness of the brain tissue, ventricles of the brain, brain membranes or brain stem. This is accompanied by a loss of consciousness and a state threatening to life.

Hypertonic disease often leads to this type of stroke. When a hypertensive crisis occurs, the vessels of the brain may not withstand strong pressure, especially if they are changed by the atherosclerotic process. Aneurysms of brain arteries can also be torn, which are a protrusion of the wall of the vessel in weak places.

Methods for the prevention of stroke of the brain

  • The fight against atherosclerosis. This is a disease in which cholesterol is laid on the walls of blood vessels. Atherosclerotic plaques are formed from it, which overlap the lumen of the vessels. To prevent this, you need to limit the use of fatty and fried food. For the diagnosis of atherosclerosis, a biochemical examination of blood and ultrasound of the vessels is used. If these studies indicate the presence of a disease, there are drugs that reduce cholesterol. The most popular group of these drugs is statins.
  • Prevention of thromboembolism of brain arteries. Most often, blood clots formed in the cavities of the heart fall into the vessels of the brain. This happens with heart arrhythmias when blood flow in the heart is disturbed. For the prevention of thrombosis, drugs with acetylsalicylic acid are used. The most famous drug is cardiomagnil. Some fruits can also improve the rheological properties of blood. Kiwi copes best with this.
  • Elimination of arterial hypertension. Constantly increased blood pressure can not only lead to stroke, but also harms many organs of our body. These include eyes, heart and kidneys. Most often, diuretics, ACE inhibitors and modern antagonists of angiotensin-2 receptors-2 are used in the treatment of this disease. As well as restriction of water and salt.
  • Improving cerebral circulation. With age, the state of cerebral blood flow is steadily worsening. This leads to headaches, poor memory and chronic fatigue. In the worst case, everything ends with a stroke. Nootropic drugs are used to improve blood circulation of the brain. The most famous nootropic is piracetam.

The brain is the most important organ of our body. It controls most of the functions of our body. Without him, we could not move, speak, breathe, think and be ourselves. Therefore, you need to protect it in all possible ways. It is much better to prevent a stroke than to be in great danger and fight its consequences. The choice of drugs and the calculation of individual dosage should be carried out by your attending physician.

Comments leave a comment
Kira 12/20/2018 at 16:03

I am prone to thrombosis (I passed special tests). I went to the hematologist .. Tot appointed a ginkoma to me, and a low -fat diet. While thank God everything is fine ... There are no blood clots, there was no stroke, too, accordingly, ugh pah ... I hope it will continue)

Galina 04/10/2019 at 9:49

Yes, if there is heredity or you are simply at risk on the onset of a stroke, prevention should be required, otherwise it may not be very business ... I take a thrombus for liquefaction of blood, and the courses are quite long. I feel great, I don’t complain about anything and this is the main thing!


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