It happens that a person comes to the doctor with complaints of headache, and he gives the direction to the MRI of the brain. What is an MRI and how this procedure actually happens, we will try to figure out now.
The MRI abbreviation is decoded as "magnetic resonance tomography." This method of examination of the body is absolutely harmless to humans, in contrast to X-ray, as it is based on the effects of the magnetic field, and not ionizing radiation. So how is the procedure of mp tomography? The study continues on average about twenty minutes, so it should be recorded on the procedure in advance. The medical center needs to be in a strictly defined time for you to conduct a survey on the detection of contraindications. Despite the fact that the MRI brain is a harmless procedure, people with a pacemaker and clips for vascular aneurysms strictly prohibited to carry out MP tomography. Women in early pregnancy is also not recommended to undergo this study.You should return to the doctor with the results of MRI, which initially gave you direction to the procedure. It is he who will prescribe you treatment and will control the further recovery process.