Why the head is spinning, reasons

Why the head is spinning, reasons

It is important to correctly recognize dizziness. True dizziness implies a subjective feeling of rotation of objects around itself or its own body. Dizziness is a symptom of a disease or an unpleasant sensation that occurs with some ways to affect the human body. In order not to make a mistake with the causes of dizziness, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of dizziness in a healthy person

With this unpleasant feeling, though occasionally, there are many people. In this case, dizziness may occur based on various factors.

  • The person has worried or experienced strong emotions. Emotions are often accompanied by emissions of adrenaline in the blood, which can provoke the spasm of vessels. As a result of a chain of natural reactions in the human body, the brain receives less oxygen, which becomes the cause of dizziness.
  • There was a pronounced physical impact on the human body in the form of various kinds of movements: riding in transport, riding a carousel and other reasons. Especially often such a reaction may appear in the absence of a habit of such physical impact.
  • The body is experiencing implications of insufficient nutrition or its complete absence. If you have decided to sit on a diet, it is better to first consult with your doctor, since a sharp decrease in blood glucose can lead to weakness and sensation of dizziness.
  • A sharp turn of the neck can cause a breach of blood supply and dizziness. Therefore, be careful when performing physical exercises associated with head turns.
  • Man accepted medicines. Most often, such side effects have antiallergic and sedatives, some antiseptics and antibiotics.

Diseases in which dizziness may occur

If a head is spinning without visible objective reasons, only a qualified doctor will help to understand. You can consider the following violations.

  • Diseases of the vestibular apparatus. In addition to human dizziness, nausea can be disturbed, cold sweat, pressure fluctuations and cardiac frequencies.
  • Other diseases of the ear, for example, otitis. The inflammatory process when Otitis is accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Brain circulation disorders or brain injury. Violations of vision and hearing, headaches, noise in the ears, nausea, weakness, violations of coordination of movements can be felt. The most terrible disease of this type is stroke. This is a very serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • Osteochondrosis. A feature of dizziness during osteochondrosis is the emergence of this sensation with sharp movements of the head.
  • Poisoning. Food, alcohol poisoning or interaction with harmful substances can provoke dizziness.
  • Brain tumors. Only an experienced doctor may diagnose as a result of a deep survey.
  • Neurosis, depression, other disorders of the nervous system or human psyche.

What to do when dulling

If the dizziness arose for the first time, then you need to try to sit down or lie down to avoid loss of equilibrium. In a lying position, try to place your head and shoulders at one level. Avoid sharp televitations and panic. If dizziness attacks are repeated, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor for a comprehensive survey.

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Dina 12/12/2018 at 16:02

Also, before the permanent hollers were ... I did not help anything until I started moving more, to engage in Cardio and take Ginkum. Here, I think everything is in the complex and worked ... So if someone is faced with this, I advise you to try

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