Blood stagnation in small pelvis

Blood stagnation in small pelvis

So that the organs of the small pelvis worked correctly, the blood should circulate freely. In some cases, vessel valves cease to fully carry out blood flow, which entails the appearance of pain and discomfort. The treatment of stagnation of blood in a small pelvis cannot be postponed, otherwise the complications will not make himself wait.

Causes of stagnation of blood in a small pelvis

To eliminate the disease forever, it is important to find it a real reason and take the necessary measures. Consider the reasons for bad blood circulation in a small basin:

  • Sitting activities. As a result of regular and long-term seats, the cartilage and muscles of the small pelvis begin to move blood vessels, preventing their circulation.
  • Wearing heavy items. Regular wearing weights can also provoke the occurrence of the disease.
  • Seal vessel walls. Excessive use of oily and harmful food entails the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of vessels that prevent full-fledged blood flow.
  • Thread walls of vessels. A similar phenomenon may arise due to lack of important nutrients.
  • Other reasons. Provice disease can bend uterus, receiving contraceptive drugs, pregnancy, childbirth.

Symptoms of blood stagnation in a small pelvis

There are signs for which this disease can be recognized. It proceeds pretty slowly, so the symptoms are enhanced gradually. First, tingling or a small pressure begins to occur in the field of small pelvis, which brings some discomfort. Over time, there are sharp stuffing pains that manifest themselves more and more. Also may occur discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and sides. In most cases, a small physical activity helps to eliminate pain, but only temporarily. Incorrect lifestyle takes its own, so unpleasant symptoms will only increase.

Treatment of blood stagnation in a small pelvis

When the above symptoms are detected, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible - a therapist or phlebologist. In the early stages, it is easy to eliminate the disease. The doctor will conduct a survey, will write drugs that will help to resign blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels. He will also provide advice on changing lifestyle. But if the disease managed to progress too much, only surgery will help. With the help of a special apparatus, a patient makes several punctures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis, they enter the microcamera there, they find damaged vessels and restore them.


To prevent the repeated occurrence of the disease, it is important to adhere to simple rules. Consider them in order.

Physical exercises

If you work primarily sitting, make frequent breaks. It is necessary to move (or at least stand) 5-10 minutes per hour. Stop out the chair for a while or go around the table. If such an opportunity is absent, change the generation of the activity, otherwise the repetition of the disease does not make himself wait. It is recommended to include in your schedule morning jogging with gymnastics, evening walks and additional sports 2-3 times a week. If it is difficult for you to force yourself to do, think about the acquisition of a dog - you will not be able to reject mandatory walks.

Proper nutrition

Try to eat domestic food and minimize the use of harmful and fatty products to avoid clogging of vessels. It is worth noting that there are many products and drugs aimed at clearing vessels - from time to time do this procedure. It is also recommended for courses to take vitamins to strengthen vessels. Lovers of Nicotine will have to abandon their habit, as smoking adversely affects the vascular tone, not to mention other systems of the body.

Subject to the fulfillment of the listed recommendations, you can forever get rid of blood stagnation and feel great. But remember that when the first signs of the disease appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, since self-treatment may not bring the expected results, but only aggravate the situation.

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