What hemorrhoids looks like

What hemorrhoids looks like

Haemorrhoidsdelicate disease, with which face before 80% people. V case development pathology observed varicose extension, a then inflammation hemorrhoidal vein, located v straight intestine. Disease dangerously not only with points vision permanent feel discomfort, but and on cause possible numerous complications.

V case right prevention or Timely beginning treatment  can get rid of from diseases enough quickly. At launched form would need surgical intervention, but and this measure not guarantees absence rezidiva.

Hemorrhogo on type diseases

Localization hemorrhoidal nodes, a also related with that symptoms disease  maybe vary:

  • Interior haemorrhoids - at such. type occurs extension vascular wentings, located at exit from straight kiska, with further protecting fromunder mucous. How rule, such. form externally not expressed, o presence problems sick maybe guess only on unpleasant feelings.
  • External (anal) haemorrhoids - hemorrhoidal knots locked outside near anus and viewed visually.
  • Combined haemorrhoids - is an samoa heavy form diseases, combining internal and outdoor localization seals.


TO symptoms development diseases relate defined signs, which at absence comprehensive treatment will be have all more expressed character:

  • the discomfort and pain v process defecation;
  • pain (from moderate before sharp) v region anal holes;
  • feel permanent pressure and presence foreign body v back pass;
  • burning and itch v anorectal zone;
  • feeling fully intestine, increased flatulence;
  • mucous selection;
  • footprints blood at defecation.


  • V first stages development diseases it has hidden character. Majority patients not suspect o presence diseasesdistinguish her on characteristic symptoms maybe only experienced doctor. Knots have view small seals, not aligned on color from common colors mucous and localize on internal surface straight kiska near anal holes.
  • At absence comprehensive treatment develops second stage diseases, that characterized strengthening pain feelings, increase and protecting nodes v outdoor region. Color seals changes on cause cophes v them venous blood and becomes bagrovored or sinah. Around anal passage observed inflammatory skin processes, even.
  • Third stage is different thread, what education much increase v sizes, what not allows on one's own enter their inside. Hemorrhoidal knots cause big the discomfort and painful feel in time defecation and v moments physical loads.
  • Four stage it has heavy symptoms and danger complications. Knots differ big dimensions and constantly provided outward, at it is can bleed, calling sharp pain and inflammatory processes v anorectal zone.

appearance hemorrhogo

Basic cause appearance hemorrhoidal seals is an the change elasticity walls vessels and leaning to thrombosis. V aspect similar pathology v region straight kiska enharged current arterial blood, a outflow venous blood much reduced. V aspect damaged plots vienna filled blood, what leads to appearance node.. WITH flow of time such education grow up v sizes and they are inflamed.

Factors, leading to similar pathologies, are:

  • Diseases gastrointestinalintestinal tract, provoking flatulence and constipation, which, v my queue, went to elevated pressure on the straight gut.
  • Inflammatory processes, benign and oncology education v organs small tasa.
  • Sedentary image life, leading to stagnant processes v region small tasa and intestines.
  • Pregnancy and roda, caller bias internal organs and increased load on the system blood circulation.

To to avoid complications, people, whose image life or genus activities connected with potential risk education this pathology, recommended pass regular surveys for early diagnostics and effective treatment diseases.

Comments leave a comment
Dina 15/07/2020 at 13:35

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are quite simple to recognize, from the main one - the absence of a regular chair, pain and burning. If we are talking about outdoor form - hemorrhoidal nodes are visible. I immediately realized that for the sore, I was overtaken and swam in the pharmacy. Bought vaseline candles, gel and fibrax for easy emptying. All this helped solve the problem.


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