What candles from hemorrhoids

What candles from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, if he suddenly happened, is very difficult to live - the nodes are sick, sang, interfere with defecation, bleed. This disease, of course, is unpleasant, but quite cured, if the problem is not launched.

Any doctor-Proctologist, namely, he treats hemorrhoids, prescribes a patient with hemorrhoids. Sometimes a specialist can advise certain candles, and sometimes he will say - buy any anti -inflammatory. Or maybe it will happen that the patient did not get into the medical institution, but decided to cope with the disease. Therefore, now we will tell you which candles treat hemorrhoids. All of them are divided into such groups:

  • Reducing pain syndrome;
  • Anti -inflammatory action;
  • Stop bleeding.

In painkillers, there are always novocaine or anesthesis. Trueing, removing itching and severe pain, they can also harm (due to the presence of the strongest analgesics in the composition, which cause an increase in blood pressure). Such candles are not recommended for people who have a history of hypertension. Of the painkillers, you can recommend Proctoglivenol, Natalisid, Anestozole, Nigan.

Anti -inflammatory candles are shown to almost all patients, because they contain only natural natural substances. This is sea buckthorn oil, propolis, St. John's wort extract, tea tree oil. They cannot be used only to those patients who had cases of allergies to any natural substance. In addition to suppositories with oils and extracts of plants, Anusol, Neo-Aunusol, Relif, Proctosan and Posterizan also help well.

In a hemostatic candle in large quantities there are special chemicals that contribute to blood coagulation. This is: calcium chloride, dicinon and Vikasol. They are present in the Metiurasilov, Relief Advance and Hepatrombin.

Hemorrhoids are almost always “three in one”: pain, inflammation and bleeding. So any candles contain components struggling with all problems at once. But in some candles there are more analgesics, in others - hemostatic components, in third - anti -inflammatory. Carefully read the instructions and select exactly those candles that will be shown to you. Or go to the doctor’s appointment so that he prescribes treatment for you.

And the latter - candles from hemorrhoids are produced both by the domestic industry and foreign. Naturally, the latter are more expensive. There are sites on the network, for example, www.analogi-lekarstv.ruon which you can find a cheap domestic counterpart to an expensive imported tool. Be always healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Olga 04/04/2015 at 20:48

I tried candles when my hemorrhoids worsened, but they did not help me. I drank Detralex-noni tablets helped. I drank the course and has passed hemorrhoids. But I am still at risk, since I am sitting a lot, so I drink it 2 times a year for prevention, hemorrhoids do not return.

Dasha 03/30/2016 at 18:52

I know that treatment should be complex. So far, I was able to only remove the symptoms - a proctosean. It must be further set (as the instructions say), then I’ll go to the doctor - to check if everything has passed completely

Eve 04/04/2016 at 11:28

It is better to go to. Although I was also prescribed to me when there was such a problem

Varya 07/07/2019 at 8:49

I think everything is individual here and you need to choose a candle on the doctor’s advice. But with them, something else is necessary that facilitates the chair, because it is really important when hemorrhoids are overcome. I took Fibrallax without fail. All together helped this period to transfer less painfully than they usually describe ...


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