How to enter candles

How to enter candles

It is clear that diseases vary. With some need to insert candles anally, and with others - vaginally. Mazi or other drugs are also used in the same way. But, I first encountered this process, the patient is lost, not knowing how to do it right.

In order for the medicine in effect well and distributed throughout the site, uncomplicated rules should be performed.

How to introduce rectal candles

Such drugs should be stored only at low temperatures, for example, in the refrigerator. The thing is that if the ambient temperature reaches 34 0C, then the candle will begin to break up, after which its use will be impossible.

Take the packaging and carefully pull out the candle from it. It is recommended to do it with clean hands, otherwise the dirt will fall on the candle. Next prepared an anal hole. They boil water, waiting when it will cool down a little (to a warm state), after which the enema fill it. Using the enema kills two hares at once: there is a purification of the gastrointestinal tract and the expansion of blood vessels. Therefore, the drug will act more efficiently.

To improve the hygiene of the procedure, to insert the candle uses gloves from rubber or polyester. After that, water, vaseline is needed or vegetable oil. These substances lubricate one of the ends of the candle, which helps to insert it better. It is recommended to always perform a similar procedure, because the anal passage is quite narrow, and it is difficult to insert a candle in it, especially if there is hemorrhoidal nodes. Moreover, it is necessary to make the above actions if the candle is inserted into the child.

Further fall on the side and insert a candle. As soon as the candle is fully held in an anal channel, we can say that it inserted it right. If a person applies candles as a drug for treating hemorrhoids, then they must very gently penetrate inside, without causing pain and not causing damage. To do this, gradually, without making sudden movements, rotate the candle clockwise.

Doctors say that as soon as the procedure for inserting the candle is complete, you do not need to get up immediately. It is best to lie for a few more minutes. It is recommended at least 25, but in general the body will be set up medicinal elements located in a candle for 40 minutes. In addition, the internal organs were rendered mechanical impact, and such a rest will allow them to recover.

Rectal candles

How to enter vaginal candles

The vaginal candle is inserted not as anal. Previously need to be bandaged. The fester is the length of the index finger.

Each medicine contains its ingredients to be considered when appointing them by a specialist. After all, the body of one person calmly transfers what the whole organism does not withstand the body.

The genital hygiene should be performed before entering candles into them, i.e. Simply wash. It is impossible to use the drug if a woman has monthly, because the healing effect of the candle in this case is neutralized completely. Hands are also wash. Soaps do not apply, gel for intimate hygiene, too, only warm flowing water.

In addition, we need hygienic pads, because in the morning all substances that are reworked overnight, out of the vagina.

For the correct introduction of the candle, it is necessary to lie down. Some species of this drug have special applicators who will greatly facilitate the woman to the procedure. Next, the knees are tightened to the chest, after which you need one hand gently push the floor lips, holding them, and the second insert the candle. If the applicator is present, then after immersing the drug in the vagina, it is carefully pulled out.

If there is a need to insert a candle afternoon, you should lie 20 minutes. But in general, all the candles of the vaginal type are used for the night before going to bed. The thing is that only during this time the composition of this drug is completely split. After that, apply gasket.

It is undesirable at the time while the woman is treated with the help of a candle, have sexual contact, because otherwise infection is possible.

Introduction of candles Betadin

It is worth knowing that there is several contraindications from such a drug, so you need to read them carefully. These include the following:

  • Allergies to iodine and medicine based on it.
  • The pathology of the thyroid gland, for example, adenoma.
  • In physiological procedures.

It is forbidden to use Betadine candles until sex matures come. The preparation contains a lot of iodine. It can cause severe damage to soft tissues that have not yet been fully formed.


If a person does not know how to apply candles, then the tips mentioned above should help him. However, it is important to always remember hygiene. You must also read the instructions, because sometimes there are other requirements when using the drug.

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