Hemorrhoids - How to treat after childbirth

Hemorrhoids - How to treat after childbirth

An unpleasant disease often brings inconvenience to a woman even during pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, the hemorrhoids exacerbates, making life of young mommy even more difficult. Do not start the disease! Spend timely diagnostics and fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. This will help to avoid many dangerous complications.

Prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth

The disease develops slowly. And if you have no hemorrhoid after childbirth, it may appear in the future. Take care of the disease prevention. Follow the intestinal work so that constipation does not appear. It is very simple:

  • every day, drink no less than 1.5 liters of fluid;
  • eat more vegetables, dairy products and fruits;
  • refuse sharp dishes, seasonings, sweets, flour products and alcoholic beverages;
  • do not be strongly during defecation. After each stay in the toilet, intimidate water.

If hemorrhoids appeared during childbirth - after discharge from the hospital, visit the proctologist. He will select the necessary treatment and prescribe drugs that will not harm the baby with maternal milk.

We treat hemorrhoids after childbirth ointments

Nursing mommies doctors discharge from hemorrhoids most often such ointments:

  • Heparin ointment. Heparin quickly removes inflammation and painful nodes will dissolve. Ointment acts gently and effectively, for use with nursing women there are no contraindications.
  • Troksevazin. Ointment is effective when weaving and having hemorrhoids. Effectively remove inflammation and strengthen the vessels.
  • Relief. The main component is a stir of shark. The ointment is especially effective at the initial stage of illness. Used to four times a day.
  • Posterizan. Suitable for women with weakened immunity. The ointment is well regenerated by the affected hemorrhoid fabric.

Apply the selected ointment around the anal hole on the problem space. How to apply it - indicated in the instructions for each drug.

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We treat postpad hemorrhoids "Relief"

Translated from English the name of the candles means "relief". It is necessary for us. Candles "Relief" are very effective and safe for nursing moms. They will help:

  • remove swelling, itching and pain;
  • get rid of inflammation and reduce blood loss;
  • prevent constipation.

Measure your doctor about treating drugs. The doctor advises to use candles in the morning and in the evening. The maximum number is 6 times. Before inserting a candle - be sure to hurt. The course of treatment will determine the doctor.

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We treat postpartum hemorrhoids by folk remedies

There are many folk recipes for the treatment of an unpleasant ailment. But first consult with the doctor about the selected method. Effective treatment from hemorrhoids by folk remedies:

  • ointment from propolis. Grind propolis and connect with olive oil in proportions 1:10. The mixture is melted over hot boiling water and remove one hour. Do not forget to stir. Cool and apply ointment in a sore place 3 times a day;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil. Buy oil in the pharmacy and use it 3 times a day. The same effect possess sea buckthorn candles;
  • baths. For the preparation of therapeutic baths, use chamomile, calendula, oak boring or decoction of the husks of Luke. Grass make boiling water and give it to a comfortable temperature. Pour it into the basin, sit in it and sit ten minutes. Bow husk cook in water until it darkens. Make the procedure before bedtime daily during the week;
  • potato candles. Clean one potatoes from the peel. Cut from potatoes an oblong candle with a length of 3-4 centimeters. Insert a candle before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days.

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Do not determine the method of treatment. Consult a doctor. Treatment should benefit and mammage, and not harm the child. Completely manifold, prevent constipation, lead an active lifestyle, fulfill all the appointments of the doctor, and unpleasant illness will quickly leave your life. Do not allow hemorrhoid to interfere with the motherhood fully!

Comments leave a comment
Galya 15/07/2020 at 13:32

Postpartum hemorrhoids is a fairly common problem, she also touched me. How gave birth, could not establish regular emptying of the intestine, and he developed hemorrhoids. The doctor compiled a special diet, said to take Fillax (suitable for pregnant and lactating women) and drink plenty of water. Slowly this situation was resolved.


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