How to treat inner hemorrhoids

How to treat inner hemorrhoids

Inner hemorrhoids are the initial stage of the disease. Hemorrhoids appear in the rectum and manifest only unpleasant symptoms. Sharp pain or bleeding during defecation indicates that it is time for you to start treatment.

Faina Ranevskaya very accurately determined the problem of the disease - "you can’t look and you won’t show others." But you need to show. When pain, itching, burning and bleeding from the anus appears, consult a proctologist, do not start the disease. In the next stage of the disease, external nodes appear. Constant pain makes it difficult to walk and sit normally. Due to false shame, the patient postpones the examination by the doctor, and in vain. In the first stages of the disease, the disease lends itself to conservative treatment. In time, prescribed therapy will help you avoid surgical intervention.

The treatment of hemorrhoids should be primarily aimed at eliminating the causes of its appearance. The risk group includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. If at work you are forced to sit for a long time, take breaks and perform simple exercises - this will help to avoid stagnation in the pelvic veins. Proper nutrition will prevent constipation. Avoid heavy physical exertion. In women, hemorrhoids often appear during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, candles, ointments and creams are used. Among them are Relief, Proctosean, Proctosan, Aurobin. Medicines strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve swelling and inflammation and increase the tone of blood vessels. Most drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids include anesthetics that quickly relieve pain. In the packaging with ointment is the tip on the tube, it is convenient for them to administer the medicine. Any drug has contraindications. Before use, consult your doctor.

Folk remedies are used externally and in the form of decoctions or infusions for oral administration. For the preparation of decoctions, fresh fruits or prepared leaves or plant roots are taken:

  • Pour the berries with water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Put on a slow fire for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let it brew. Take a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day. The decoction has an antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory and analgesic effect and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • On 50 g of ordinary mountain ash juice, add a teaspoon of honey. Take before meals. Rowan juice is a hemostatic agent.
  • With decoctions of sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula, it is recommended to make microclysters.

Folk remedies

Available tool that can always be found at home is raw potatoes. Microclisms from potato juice restore the mucous membrane of the rectum. When taking the juice of potato strengthens the vessels:

  • Cut a candle out of the potatoes and enter into the rectum for the night. In the morning, swelling will fall and pain will pass.
  • Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater. Mix gruel with sea buckthorn oil. Wrap the mixture in a double layer of gauze and attach the swab to the anus.

When hemorrhoids appear, do not self -medicate. Remember that drugs are prescribed individually, and folk remedies often only relieve symptoms, but do not treat the disease. A visit to a doctor will save you from many problems.

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