How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child

The common cause of appeal to the pediatrician is an increased temperature in a child. Usually parents begin to panic and rushing, especially for infants. Therefore, everyone needs to take note of how to bring down the temperature in the child and when you urgently need to cause a doctor.

The temperature is, above all, the protective reaction of the body to any pathogen. Due to the temperature, interferons help destroy foreign cells.

We measure the temperature of the child correctly

  • The child should have his own thermometer, before each use of his use to disinfect it - wipe with a rut with alcohol.
  • Measure the temperature you need 3 times a day, minimum. In the morning, day and evening. Preferably at the same time. To keep a diary, where you will record the results of daily rates, so you can trace the dynamics.
  • It is impossible to measure under the blanket. Thus, the temperature may be higher.
  • Try to measure the temperature when the child is in a calm state, and not crying, screaming or scared.

Area area for measuring temperature in a child

Temperature measurements can be made in the armpit, in the fold of the groin area, in the rectum. In the mouth, the temperature cannot be measured. If only we do not have an electronic thermometer - a dummy.

Consider that the temperature results in the intestine will exceed the body temperature by 1 degree. And such a method is more suitable for breasts, up to 5 months. Older's kids will be able to easily dodge such an unpleasant class.

Rectal temperature measure electronic thermometer. Lubricate his tip of a baby bold cream. Baby Put on the back, lift his legs up, with careful movements, enter the thermometer by about 1.5 cm. Squeeze the ass of the baby to fix the thermometer, smile to the child, distract it.

If you take the temperature in a regular thermometer, in this case shake it first up to 36 degrees. Wipe the folds into the groin or in the axillary region, take a child to the bar, put a thermometer and press the baby handle slightly.

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When need to reduce the temperature

If the child suddenly increased the temperature, do not need to be self-medication, you need to immediately call a doctor who will first provide a diagnosis in connection with which treatment will be appointed.

As recommended by WHO, if the child is healthy, its temperature should not be reduced until it is less than 39 degrees. An exception may be kids who have diseases that have been evident due to temperature increase. Breast children, kids who have neurological diseases, blood circulation, metabolic, respiratory diseases. These children are in the risk area, because they need to reduce the temperature from the very beginning, from 37.1 degrees.

But, if a healthy child has no temperature rose by 39 degrees, and its condition deteriorated significantly, there are pain in the muscles, a strong chill, the pallor of the skin, in this case, as soon as possible, give the antipyretic.


How to reduce temperature

  • Provide coolness. Do not Kunt the baby in the blankets, do not dress too much clothes on it. It is dangerous, maybe a heat blow. You need to wear in light cotton clothes. Keep track of room temperature - 20 degrees are optimal.
  • Abundant drink. High temperature provides a sharp loss of fluid, and it needs to be filled so that there is no dehydration. If the child does not want to drink, do not force, let's give a teaspoon. If the failures continue for several hours, you need to say about this to the doctor.
  • Wipe. They should be made completely healthy children. And applied in a complex with basic treatment and antipyretic. The water temperature during wipe should be warm, as close as possible to the temperature of the body.
  • Freeze in water for ice for ice. Then put the resulting ice into the fabric and attach to the forehead of the baby, to the groin zone and to the armpits.
  • Use antipyretic means. Children's drugs in the fight against temperature are paracetamol, ibuprofen.

Attention! Antipirin, amidopyri, fenacetin can not be used to children, because they have toxicity.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is prohibited for children.

Metamizol does not recommend WHO, as it is very poorly affected by the processes of the body.


That it is impossible to do when the child has a temperature

  • It is impossible to force a child all the time to spend in bed.
  • Do not make the baby to the belly. Such procedures must prescribe a doctor.
  • Do not wrap your child.
  • Do not hide the baby with a wet cloth.

When you need to call a doctor re

  • At a temperature of 39-39.5.
  • When convulsion occurs.
  • When a child cries, screams, moaning, too weak.
  • With a purple spots appear.
  • Manifestations of difficulty breathing.
  • Tension in the neck.
  • If you think that the child is not just a cold, but something serious.
  • If chronic diseases switched to the stage of aggravation.
  • Dehydration.
  • The strange behavior of the child is not as usual.
  • If the baby has a few days a temperature was not very high, and suddenly the next day there is a sharp increase.
  • When medicines do not help from temperature.
  • Temperature for more than 5 days.
  • The temperature is a few days, and there are no signs of the disease.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 06/11/2021 at 13:28.

At this temperature, I generally consider it strange that adults are asking questions on the forums. Be sure to either in the ambulance call, either yourself to contact the pediatrician. The antipyretic is certainly needed and necessarily immuno vitamos to accelerate recovery and strengthen immunity. Children love them, because they are like marmalade candy. So there will be no problems with the admission.


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