How to bring down the child's temperature at home

How to bring down the child's temperature at home

Many diseases in children are accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature. Some kids easily carry the temperature even about 39 ° C and remain active and fun, others - even with a minor deviation of temperature indicators become sluggish, complain of headache and are susceptible to cramps. But whatever the cause of fever of every mother needs to know how to lower the temperature and how to do it right.

When the child's temperature should be shot down

According to pediatricians, receiving the antipyretic means after the temperature rises above 38 ° C, since with such a strong heat in the children's body, the process of destruction of important amino acids is launched. Until that time, immunity independently tries to overcome the infection, and the temperature is a physiological response. It is especially important to prevent the achievements of this critical mark from kids to three years, because at such a young age they can often have crashes.

How to bring down the child's temperature - Mother's Action Algorithm

Long-term and stable high temperature strongly depletes the children's body and often ends with the development of a hyperthermic crisis. Therefore, all the actions of the mother must be integrated.

  • Optimal temperature in the room. In the room where the sick kid is located, should be wet, and the air temperature should be within 18-20 ° C. To do this, more often carry out the room, and for moisture, put the tank with water or hang a wet towel.
  • Abundant drinking mode. To prevent dehydration, let's kid a lot of warm water or sweet tea. If you are difficult to persuade the child, drink it from the spoon every few minutes.
  • Rubbing cold water. This procedure enhances the action of antipyretics. Strictly forbidden to use for grinding or ethyl alcohol solution. This can cause the baby burns.
  • Lightweight clothing. A child with fever can not wrap up and cause sweating. Need to dress it up as easily as possible, for example, only in a T-shirt and panties.
  • Antipyretics. The only solution for young children by means of temperature, considered preparations based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. They can be given only in strict compliance with dosage according to the age. How to plant them, you can give the child every 6-8 hours. Such formulations are produced in a sweet syrup, tablets and rectal suppositories.

How to bring down the temperature of the child - what methods are contraindicated

If a baby has a fever accompanied by pale skin and cold extremities, then it begins the "white" fever. This points to a violation of heat, which can cause brain swelling and seizures. In this case, the baby can not be done grinding, and require urgent medical attention for the appointment of anticonvulsants.

Also, do not give your child hot drinks, such as tea of \u200b\u200braspberry. They will enhance diuresis the baby, which is already suffering from dehydration. The same applies to the traditionally popular method to wrap the baby so that he propotel. This will only increase fluid loss and worsen the condition of the child.

It is not necessary to shoot down the temperature of other antipyretics, other than the above two. "Analgin", "Aspirin" or "Amidopyrine" can cause loss of consciousness in the child, break the process of hematopoiesis and even provoke a sharp drop in temperature below 35⁰S.

If you can not alone bring down the temperature for several hours, be sure to seek emergency medical care. This will protect children from possible complications.

Comments leave a comment
Zoya 10.14.2020 at 15:51

Also do not advocate to shoot down the temperature when it is below 38 gradusov.Net it unnecessary. The only thing that helps the body, give it bears Evalar immunity and fresh juices, confinement to bed try to adhere to. This greatly helps to quickly bring the temperature in the order and quickly put the child's legs. Without too much difficulty and heavy drugs.

Varvara 10.20.2020 at 10:55

We almost never confuse, if not high. We provide bed regime, we richly sing chicken broths and IMMUNO MINUMENT MINUMENT. So my daughter comes quickly in myself, the whole ride retreats))


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