Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

Blisters from sunburn look like thermal, and resemble a bump filled with liquid. If solar burns occur, there may be an increase in temperature and fevering state. In addition, it feels itching and burning. How to deal with blisters after sunburn and reduce pain, we will also tell me further.

We save cold water

It is possible to significantly reduce pain and burning with cold water. Just wet the towel in a cool liquid and impose a compress for the burned plot. Hold the mark quite a bit and again repeat the manipulation. Try only a cool shower for a few days. Warm water will strengthen burning. Do not use soap and do not rub the burn.

Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

Folk ways

In the fight against blisters after sunny burn, folk methods will be helped.

Potato juice

To prepare a medicine, cleanse several potato tubers from the skin. Sattail the root plant on the grater, and apply the resulting Cashitz to blisters. Take the burn with a clean cloth. You can squeeze juice with potatoes and lubricate it burns.


For the treatment of solar burns, you can use the residues of oatmeal. Just attach the chilled mass on the blisters and keep a few minutes. It is possible to ease pain with the bathroom with oatmeal. Type in a cool water bathroom and pour 2-3 cups of oatmeal powder into it. You can skip the flakes through a meat grinder or a coffee grinder. Tell in muddy water 15-20 minutes. Oatmeal promotes skin regeneration.


Excellent relieves pain and burning salad. You can prepare a decoction of lettuce leaves. Put the vegetable mass into the water and boil 10 minutes. Leaves throw away, and wet clean tissue in the brave. Attach the compress to blisters and keep 10-20 minutes. You can wash the leaves of lettuce and repel them with a roast. Attach the compress for the burned place.

Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

What to do with raising temperature

Strong burns may be accompanied by fever and heat. To bring down the temperature and improve well-being, drink ibuprofen or aspirin. These drugs will remove headache and muscle weakness.

Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

Mazi and medicines for the treatment of blisters from sunburn

If immediately after the beach you discovered red spots and burning, apply the rescuer on the affected places. If you do not have it, use kefir or sour cream. Purchase a dairy product with high fatty. So far there is no blister, you can use atoderms cream. This preparation is hormonal, so apply it to a very thin layer.

If the blisters burst and in their place you discovered sticky skin, use an antibiotic ointment. This wound is very sensitive to bacteria and viruses. Antibiotics include pymafucts, zinc ointment. You can purchase combined drugs that contain natural oils and antibiotics. Such ointments are perfectly cope with burns: Aktovegin, Solfirel, Ppi-Balsam, Sealess Oil. As part of the spray, Olavol contains sea buckthorn oil, boric acid and chloramphenicol.

Blisters from sunburn how to get rid of

Try to sunbathe in the sun on the morning in the morning and in the evening. Avoid long-term contact with straight rays. Before leaving the beach, use a special cream with a high degree of protection.

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