Allergy in a child how to treat

Allergy in a child how to treat

Your baby complains of skin itching, scratches eyes, and his skin is covered with a reddish rash? Or you long and unsuccessfully treat it from a cold and cough, which are manifested in the absence of temperature? Today we will talk about how to treat and prevent allergies in a child.

The main way to treat allergies in children is to detect and eliminate allergen. To do this, you can pass special samples for allergens. However, the younger than the age of the baby, the less reliable the results of the tests. You can test the test from 5 years. Assigns the procedure to the doctor after a detailed acquaintance with the analysis, analysis of the history and definition of a group of allergens with which to work. The procedure is carried out as follows: Allergen is applied to the selected skin section of the child, then puncture of the skin, 1 mm depth, after which it remains to wait 15-20 minutes. If the reaction is positive, swelling and redness appeared - it means that Allergen is found.


If a child has an allergic runny nose, pay attention to the means that you apply when cleaning the apartment. Use liquid tools, because powders and aerosols are easily settled on the nasal mucosa and become irritants. Remove from the house, especially from the children's, objects, accumulating dust - carpets, feat pillows, extra objects. Cut the wet cleaning and ventilate the children's room and the apartment 2 times a day. Support a wet, cool climate in the room. Temperature should be about + 18 ° C. But the apartment should not be raw!

Antiolergenic cleaning

If the kid suffers because of seasonal allergies, if possible, take it into the place where the plant breeding with the wind does not bloom. They are the source of seasonal exacerbations. If there is no such possibility, rinse the baby with a nose in a pharmacy or prepared on the day during the day. To prepare physical, pour 1 tsp. Salts 1 l boiled water. In the pharmacy you can buy a comfortable sprayer where you can pour the saline solution, and you can use an ordinary syringe without a needle or an empty bottle from drops for the nose. Do not start an allergic runny nose, otherwise the mucus can get inside, go to bronchi, causing cough and other complications.


If you have found a rash in a child, then the allergic reaction in this case can be both on external stimuli - powders, synthetic fabric, facilities for cleaning of the apartment, which settle on the skin, etc., and internal - food. The standard hypoallergenic diet requires the exclusion of all-milk products, cheeses, seafood, eggs, citrus, mushrooms, honey, nuts, dried fruits, spices, sweets, berries, fruits and vegetables of red, orange and yellow. Naturally, semi-finished products, purchased yogurts with fillers, carbonated drinks and similar products are unacceptable. Only fresh, natural products without additives are allowed. After removing the symptoms of allergies, gradually begin to enter the excluded food, starting with vegetables, excluded. Watch for the baby's reaction. Thus, you will learn which of the products "not yours." Please note that the child's allergy often occurs not because of the product itself, but due to the abuse. The children's body may not cope with the splitting of a large amount of protein, and the undustered protein and is the cause of food allergies.


If an allergy in a child during the month of compliance with a strict diet does not pass, look for the reason in the troubles surrounding the baby. Choose clothing from natural fabrics, change the chemicals of cleaning to safely from the category "Eco", get rid of the unnecessary things in the house. If after all your efforts the symptoms of allergies do not pass, consult a doctor. In no case do not appoint antihistamine drugs yourself - it can cause strong harm to health.

Natural fabrics-child

Remember that kids up to 2 years old have caused allergies most often in the house. Look for an allergen and eliminate it. A good way to prevent the development of allergic reactions in a child is to buy a four-legged friend before or immediately after the birth of the baby.

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