What to treat vomiting in a child

What to treat vomiting in a child

Vomiting is a protective reflex reaction of the body to alien irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. What reasons such a condition may occur in a child and what to do parents in such a situation? We will answer all the questions in our article.

A single vomit calling in itself is not dangerous. This often happens to children of the first year of life. This fact is explained by the adaptation of the intestine microflora to the composition of breast milk or children's mixture. In kids who are injected with lore, often register cases of vomiting. Typically, the cause becomes an incorrect diagram of the administration of the dust or the individual reaction of the organism of the crumbs to a certain product. Such situations do not require drug treatment. It will be necessary to determine which product is a variable reaction, and revise the diet of the baby or nursing mom. But the multiple repetition of vomiting in a short period of time needs an immediate provision of medical care. This state is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the baby and may indicate serious diseases.

The causes of the protracted vomit can be:

  • poisoning, intoxication;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • infective infection;
  • violation of the metabolic process;
  • heat and sunshine.

In which cases you need to immediately cause an ambulance care:

  • if the child has elevated body temperature;
  • vomiting repeats more often than 3 times in 2 hours;
  • vomiting is enhanced;
  • the number of urges for urination has decreased;
  • there are suspicions of poisoning;
  • fresh liquid chair with a greenish tint;
  • severe abdominal pains;
  • convulsions appeared;
  • baby River even after taking a small amount of water.

Treatment of vomiting in children is carried out by determining the root cause and its elimination. Only a specialist can establish it after conducting a survey and additional analyzes. Thus, during poisoning and intoxication, stomach washing, absorbing drugs and connection lost fluid organism. In infections, antibacterial and enzyme preparations. Defects of the digestive tract are eliminated by surgical intervention. Heat and solar strikes provide cool compresses. In some cases, the assistance of a psychologist or psychiatrist is needed, for example, with a functional vomiting "for weight loss." Such cases are often registered among adolescents.

What help the baby before the arrival of doctors? The scheme of action in the situation of multiple vomiting in the child is as follows:

  1. It is possible to stop vomiting only if it is repeated for more than 3 times within an hour, with a strong weakness of the child and vomiting with blood or mucus. In other cases, the reflex is a natural protective reaction that helps to clean the body from poisons.
  2. The child needs to put on the side to prevent the casting masses. If the baby snapped lying on the back, you should urgently turn the head down and remove the remnants of vomiting with a napkin.
  3. The main task is to prevent dehydration organism. This state is very dangerous for children, especially kids up to 3 years. For this, the crumb need to constantly steal every 5 minutes on a teaspoon. It is better to use special compositions for this, enriched with all necessary minerals, such as the drug " Regipron." or " Humana. Electrolyte". Divide the powder with warm purified water according to the instructions. It is also possible to offer the baby mineral water "Yessentuki" or "Borjomi", pre-release gas from beverages. Sweet tea is suitable.
  4. Absorbent substances will help bring accumulated toxins and poisons. Children are prescribed such drugs like " Smekt», « Attoxil», « Enterosgel" "Activated coal" children are quite difficult to swallow even in the form of chopped powder. Difficult blood swallowing can provoke another attack of vomiting. It is better that the dosage is given by the doctor, since the amount of the drug depends not only on the age of the baby, but also its weight.
  5. If the kid during the day did not empty the intestines, it is necessary to help him with the help of children's glycerin candles. Such a procedure will clean the body from the stimulus and accumulated toxic substances.
  6. Children over 5 years old are prescribed drugs that establish the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, " Motorix", Mezim-Forte," Pankreatin ". For the kids of younger age, doctors prescribe nutritional supplements containing bifidobacteria, such as "bifidbacterin" or " Probif", In order to prevent development dysbacteriosis intestines.
  7. With a protracted vomiting, ambulance doctors make one-time injection. Cerukal" The drug in a matter of minutes will stop the reflex and will help to safely transport the child to a stationary medical institution.

After the cessation of vomiting, you can gradually offer to your child. But do not feed forcibly, on the contrary, do not give the baby to move - it can provoke new vomit urge. Be sure to eliminate fat, fried, flour and sweet food. However, Maria type cookies or Sukharik, operated in tea - excellent delicacy for recovering baby. You can offer a child vegetable soup, silent cereals, baked apple, steam potatoes and carrots. No milk and dairy food, meat is not recommended.

Put the correct diagnosis and prescribing the treatment you need in a particular case can only specialist. Do not tighten the moment the doctor's call is every minute. In children, the process of intoxication develops rapidly and can lead to unforeseen complications: loss of consciousness, cramps, extreme dehydration. The timely provision of medical care can not only reduce the manifestation of the symptom, but in some situations and save the life of the child.

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