Food poisoning (intoxication) is an acute disease of the digestive system. Its reason most often becoming a banal non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or eating non-baking, low-quality or toxic products. The characteristic symptoms of poisoning include multiple vomiting, liquid stools with untapped food residues, painful nausea, stomach spasms, abundant salivation, headache, elevated body temperature, chills, lubrication in body. How to treat it unpleasant and dangerous ailment?
At the first signs of poisoning, it should be washed as soon as possible to wash the stomach with soda solution (3 tbsp. Soda per 1 liter of water) or warm boiled water. Drink a volley 3-4 cup of solution, then try to call vomiting - for this, gently press your finger to the root of the language. Continue the procedure for cleansing the stomach to the total transparency of the vomit. With abundant vomiting and diarrhea, the body dehydration occurs. To prevent the dehydration process, drink a lot of fluid (daily rate is about 2.5-3 liters). In addition to the usual boiled water, it is recommended that the use of ginger tea and herbal decractions from chamomile, mint or melissa are recommended - these drinks will help the restoration of a weakened organism, reassured the gastric mucosa and get rid of nausea. Also in the drinking menu you can turn on the compote from the hips and dried fruits, fastening black / green tea, cranberry juice and kissel.- a dill decoction (1 tsp crushed fresh / dry dill is poured 200 ml of steep boiling water, after that the decoction insists 25-30 minutes, the fluid needed to drink within 1-2 hours);
- linen decoction (3 st.
- a decoction of pomegranate peel (1 tsp of chopped crusts pour 180-200 ml of boiling water, then insist in the thermos 15-20 minutes, they take the decoction between the meals of 1/2 of Article. Three times a day).
With stable vomiting and abundant circulating diarrhea, a sharp increase in temperature and a rapid decrease in blood pressure, impaired respiration and coordination of movements need emergency medical care!
To avoid food poisoning, follow the following rules:- when buying products, be sure to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the implementation time;
- follow food storage rules;
- remember the proper heat treatment of products (especially for fish, meat, milk and eggs);
- mercilessly get rid of the pitched meal and do not allow its recycling;
- consider that you can store the cooked food in the refrigerator not more than 2-3 days;
- periodically, we repeated steep boiling water table dishes, devices and cutting boards;
- more often change kitchen sponges and hand towels;
- be sure to wash your hands before cooking and intake.
Compliance with elementary preventive measures will save you from dangerous food intoxication.
If a stomach hurts, he scans more than three times in an hour and diarrhea is still better in the hospital.
I have never happened by the way, I still try to keep track of what I eat, so if there is poisoning, then the lung. But again, if only I felt the first symptoms, I immediately start taking an enterosgel, it removes toxins and harmful substances and therefore well-being comes back to normal. If it were not for him, oh may and twisted me.