What to give a child from diarrhea

What to give a child from diarrhea

Children's diarrhea (diarrhea) is a pathological condition that the baby may appear on any stimulus. Regardless, what is the reason for the appearance of a liquid chair in a child (whether it is the body's reaction to the introduction of dust, infection or dysbacteriosis), should not be dismounting such manifestations, this may not lead to dehydration of the body and the development of more serious health problems.

Infectilation of the respiratory tract (angina, otitis, pharyngitis) Sometimes children are accompanied by diarrhea and subfebilitation. In this case, it is necessary to struggle with the disease, and not with its manifestation.

Diarrhea, characterized by frequent (more than 10 times a day) a watery chair with a mucus having a greenish tint or bleeding (at the same time the child apatiche is weak, he strongly grabs the tummy and his bloating with soreness), indicates a dangerous and serious condition. Honey when the baby appears, such symptoms cannot be. Calling an ambulance or doctor to the house, reserve first aid.

From the diet of the child, eliminate those products that you think could cause the appearance of a liquid chair. If your kid is "artificial", you may need to replace the mixture, and if it is on breastfeeding - you like a nursing mom review your set of products. If the diarrhea is strong - some time do not feed the child at all.

Remember the main one - the children's body during diarrhea very quickly loses the volume of liquid, trace elements and salts. Let the kid drink often and most importantly - on a little bit, not to provoke vomiting. It can be a compote from dried fruits, fastening unsweetened tea with honey, electrolyte drinking (touring, oralitis, recider).

For children of any age with such a pathological condition, enterosorbents (preparations neutralizing toxins accumulated in the small organism) will be favorable on the body. Let's a child Smekt, Enterosgel, polysorb and preparations that restore intestinal microflora - lacto and bifidobacteria.

In the fight against this ailment, Keelle, rice decoction, mint tea with chamomile, decoction of linden, decoction from the fruits of a hawthorn (10 g of fruits boil in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes). Drinking, which will saturate the weakened organism by microelements, vitamins and will contribute to the removal of toxins, let's kid often, in small portions.

If the one-year-old kid is moving, plays, does not refuse food - feed it in a little, observing the dieting mode. More elder kids are advocated to eliminate fermented milk products (only cottage cheese), bakery products (crackers), vegetables, fruits, sweet drinks are allowed. Feed the child with low-fat meat varieties, steam dishes, rubbed soups on pearl or rice decoction.

When complying with drinking regime and diet, children easily tolerate diarrhea. For the kids and their chair, you need to constantly monitor, and in the event of deviations from the norm immediately apply for advice to the gastroenterologist. You cannot fully overcome the diarrhea, you can not fully - you only get to facilitate and maintain the condition of the baby before the arrival of the doctor.

Comments leave a comment
Lisa 10/01/2016 at 19:36

I enterophorel gave. Stops very well diarrhea.

Manya 20/01/2016 at 19:19

We have a pediatrician with diarrhea says to give rice decoction and enterosgel. The decoction stops him, but the enterosgel takes all the nasty, which to diarrhea and led, be it poisoning or an inappropriate product. As the doctor explained, all the rubbish need to withdraw, so that there was no worse.

Elena 28/01/2016 at 8:57.

We are accepted by Polysorb, write in the instructions, to take 5 times on the first day, my child helps after the first reception.

    Alina 28/01/2016 at 18:04

    Polysorb did not help at all, it is better to give activated coal.

Dina 04/17/2017 at 21:23

If this is the usual one-time incident, then it's just a diet for a couple of days to arrange and everything is formed by itself, and if the diarrhea does not stop, then, of course, you need to contact the doctor. Suddenly, someone comes in handy diarrhea-treatment. FRF There is such a resource thematic, there and the doctor can ask a question and read the articles themselves.

Galya 10/31/2017 at 20:12

We discharged enterofuril, it is possible from 1 month, it acts on most bad bacteria and does not harm the intestinal microflora. We liked the effect

Varya 08/11/2018 at 7:53.

Oh, we have diarrhea caused by dibacteriosis ... Microflora was broken in fluff and dust after taking antibiotics. Gip Bio vitamos + of course, tried to give fastening products-rice, mealy, cappist ...


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