What to drink with poisoning

What to drink with poisoning

Do you have vomiting, diarrhea and chills? Most likely, you are faced with poisoning. You need to act immediately, because it is intoxicated by the whole organism. To eliminate the problem, it is recommended to urgently take absorbing substances. Let's figure out in more detail what to drink with poisoning.

First you should decide why poisoning occurred. Based on this, certain drugs are taken to remove “poisons” from the body. Distinguish:

  • Food poisoning;
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Poisoning with narcotic substances;
  • Poisoning with medicines;
  • Poisoning with chemicals, arsenic;
  • Gas poisoning and industrial poisons.

What everyone should know: in the event of any type of toxication, the first thing you need to rinse the stomach, thereby bring poisons from the body.

The most common case is food poisoning. Perhaps you have acquired a stale product, or a combination of food gave incompatibility. Terrible toxins emit toxic berries, plants and mushrooms, their use can even lead to death. People are at great risk in the summer, therefore, it is recommended to take this very seriously. Never buy food in spontaneous markets, beaches, stalls. This can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

So, with poisoning, at first your actions should be aimed at finding a sorbent. To date, the pharmacology market has a large number of different drugs that perform this function. The most common are:

  1. Activated carbon is an affordable drug that should be in a home medicine cabinet for everyone. He effectively fights toxins and eliminates the feeling of “fermentation”. A solution of activated coal is also used when washing the stomach. The disadvantage is the dose, it should be taken in large quantities - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight, that is, on average up to 6–7 tablets. Therefore, doctors recommend using coal analogues - white coal, sorbeks. These drugs accumulate in 1 tablet the desired dose to combat toxic substances.
  2. Smecta is a powder that quickly removes toxins from the body. It treats not only poisoning, but also accompanying problems - heartburn, bloating, pain, etc. Its natural origin allows you to take the drug even to infants. It is important to use the necessary dosage and consult a pediatrician. As a rule, the bag is diluted by half a liter of water and taken up to 5 times a day.
  3. Enterosgel is a suspension for internal use (can be in the form of a pasta or white gel). It has an excellent adsorbing property and quickly fights a disease. It is also used in pediatrics, however, its “unpleasant binder” causes big problems for parents to persuade the child to drink him.

If the poisoning is accompanied by severe diarrhea, then it is necessary to take Loperamid, Enterol, Atoxil or Reidron. Do not forget the important point: when poisoning, the human body loses a large amount of fluid, so along with taking drugs, drink water or warm ugly tea as often as possible.

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, then it will help you:

  • Black peas (round) - taken with diarrhea (5-6 pieces).
  • A decoction of wheatburn (about 5 tablespoons of table grass per liter of water, boil and take during the day).
  • Salt vodka is an old recipe for severe diarrhea and vomiting reflex. The mixture is very unpleasant in taste, but its action is instant.
  • A decoction of a hemlock (its rhizomes) is an excellent remedy for poisoning young children. It is prepared in the proportions: 1 teaspoon of grass per 1.5 cups boiled, insist and take a teaspoon cooled through a teaspoon every 5 minutes.

The following herbs and tinctures also possess their miraculous forces: mountain ash, walnut, blue cornflower, clover, blackcurrant fruits, buckshot, iris, violet root, etc.

It is very important to have the above drugs in your home medicine cabinet. After all, you never know when the problem overtakes you. Almost everyone met poisoning in his life and knows his “miraculous” medicines. However, it is not worth joking with this and when a condition worsens, you should go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

Comments leave a comment
Galina 02/04/2018 at 0:11

With poisoning, you need to drink more water, this is absolutely accurate, so that there is no dehydration. If vomiting and nothing lingers, then at least a teaspoon.

Larisa 07/06/2022 at 16:47

It depends on what poisoning is still ... viral or bacterial nature. In the second case, antibiotics will be needed in any way. So I recommend that you drink Maxi Evalarovskaya multiflora. Moreover, it contains bacteria that do not die in the stomach and reach the intestines unchanged, gradually normalizing its work.


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