Among the medicines, Valerian is famous for its harmlessness. But often the fact that, first of all, is a medicine. And it is impossible to use this tool to any person in unlimited quantities.
Drink Valerian follows with caution, because it has its own contraindications. Nice soothing can harm in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under 3 years old, people suffering from inflammation of the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, too high sensitivity to Valerian. Side effects arise with long-term (several months) take this medicine. It is forbidden to use such a tool if a car is driving or other situations where high attention is required and a quick response. And, of course, it is impossible to combine Valerian with other sedative or sleeping drugs.

It is important to remember that self-treatment can be dangerous to health. Therefore, even in the case of Valerian, it is not necessary to abuse its natural origin. Competently, consult with a health worker if the disturbing symptoms are not eliminated after several medication techniques.
Valerian to get rid of irritability and psychos, personally for me, turned out to be not the best option ... Well, no way helped at all. Therefore, on the advice of a doctor, the formula of peace of mind Tryptofan took and yoga took up. This is yes, it has worked, gradually all the psychics passed that he could not but rejoice)