What to drink with a cold pregnant

What to drink with a cold pregnant

During pregnancy in the body of a woman, significant physiological and hormonal changes occur, as well as immune protective functions are dramatically reduced. This serves the main cause of vulnerability to various viral colds (ARVI, flu, angina, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).

How to treat cold during pregnancy

The treatment of a pregnant woman complicates a strict ban on the reception of most drugs, so the future mother is pretty hard to cope with the diseases of a cold type, arising in the spring-autumn period of a sharp burst of virus spread.

  • Walled viral diseases, especially on early pregnancy, should be treated to prevent complications dangerous to the mother and fetus.
  • Focus on the recommendations of the attending physician and receiving only natural natural resources that will not harm the development of the fetus.
  • Observe the bed mode. Any illness of the future mother can adversely affect the development of the fetus, so it is necessary to ensure complete peace of pregnant woman.

We bring up the temperature at a cold during pregnancy

The most frequent symptom for cold-type diseases is an increase in body temperature. Pregnant women are contraindicated by the reception of aspirin, analgin, soluble antipyretic agents (Ferwex, Coldrex, Teraflu, etc.).

If the temperature does not rise above 38º, it is not necessary to knock it off at all. The body itself launches protective mechanisms and tries to cope with the influence of the virus.

  • Drink warm tea with raspberries, honey or lime color and attach a cold compress on the forehead.
  • When chills are not recommended, hot bathtubs and breaking legs are not recommended.

If the thermometer shows more than 38º, redness and heat are observed, you can do the following:

  • Take Paracetamol (Efferoralgang Analogs, Panadol), which will be allowed on any gestation, as the main antipyretic agent. Watch out for the dose of the medication - no more than 1-3 days of tablets.
  • Make acetic wiping. Take a 5% vinegar solution, spread in half with water and slightly scroll the body in the field of hands, chest, legs. Also wet a linen napkin or a small towel and put on the forehead.

How to treat a runny nose with a cold during pregnancy

Summarizing drugs of local action, such as oxymetazoline, naphtizin, Nazol are contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to the possible influence of data from the cordial activity of the baby. With a strong rheore, the following methods are used:

  • Make rinsing nasal passages with salt water (1 tsp. Salts on a glass of warm boiled water) or pharmacy preparations based on sea salt (Aquamaris, Dolfin).
  • With severe laying, prepare a more concentrated saline solution (2 tsp). This will help remove the accumulated water from the nasal cavity and open the passages for breathing.

How to facilitate cough with a cold in pregnancy

Cough is one of the most severe symptoms of colds. The future mother must be consulted with the doctor, since the cough can be of different nature and caused by many reasons. To facilitate coughing attacks:

  • observe the bed mode;
  • try not to be in the cold air;
  • do not go barefoot;
  • do not use cold food and drinks;
  • drink as much as possible warm liquid;
  • make the grinding of the chest and spins with warming balsams;
  • brew tea with the addition of parmelia medicinal grass;
  • before bedtime, drink warm milk with the addition of 1 tsp. Butter.

For the purpose and under the control of the therapist, you can take the following drugs:

  • Koldrex Broncho;
  • Lazolyvan (in the second half of pregnancy) is best in the form of inhalation using the nebulizer;
  • ACC (on any time) in the dosage indicated by the attending physician.

How to treat sore throat during pregnancy

Throat pain can be caused by various colds. For forbidden drugs include sprays from throat pain, alcohol-containing drugs and tinctures, antibiotics. Among the allowed and safe for the future mother and the child of drugs can be called:

  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin - solutions for rinsing, active substances that do not penetrate the blood and placenta, so do not harm the fetus.
  • Lugol is a solution based on iodine and glycerin. Effective with pain in the throat of varying severity.
  • From natural remedies for the treatment of pain in the throat, you can use rinse with tea tree or eucalyptus oil (2 drops of essential oil on a glass of warm boiled water). Such procedures have a pronounced antibacterial effect. Tea or warm milk with honey, chamomile decoction will also be useful.

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Karina 05/16/2018 at 23:23

I sick sick literally a month ago. The throat was painful strongly. Lizobakt from the execution and pain in the throat bought. He and infections in the throat removes and pain relieves. Pharmacist said it can be pregnant, he does not create Chem. Load on the body. Helped perfectly!

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