Each person necessarily once a year is sick of colds and it seems that there is nothing terrible in this. But a special case, if the infection picks up a nursing woman. What measures to do to protect the baby and recover in a short time?
Treatment should be started immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms. It is possible that the disease does not flow in a more serious form. If possible, consult your doctor to prescribe the appropriate therapy.
At home, the sick nursing mother should wear a mask and change it every 4 hours. Many mothers, afraid to infect the child, stop feeding it. It is not only wrong, but is useless and harmful to the baby. Since there is approximately three days from infection with the virus and the appearance of symptoms. And it means that the child is either sick or immunized. If the baby managed to catch the cold, then the height of the chest will negatively affect its immunity and the recovery process will pass longer. After all, the child gets antibodies with breast milk to fight the causative agents of the disease.
The most affordable and safe medicine for mom is a paracetamol that relieves pain and helps reduce the temperature. Contraindicated: Ferwex, Analgin, Antigrippin, Aspirin, Koldrex, Teraflu, since they are not fully studied to the body of nursing mothers. Do not have contraindications and side effects of flu, Viferon candles.
To reduce the temperature, you can wipe the body with a solution of vinegar. It is useful with a cold with a temperature or without tea from lime color. It is brewing or insisted in the thermos. The most popular way is to drink boiled milk with the addition of half a teaspoon of honey. If you still dissolve a pinch of soda, then you can cure cough.
In the throat pain, we look at salt solid, soda, iodiumol. Apply sprays of the hexoral, T. Verde, pills for resorption lizobact, larront.
Cough can be treated with plant preparations based on licorice, thyme, anise. For example: Gedelix, chest elixir. There will be inhalation based on soda, Lazolyvan. Pregnant and nursing women are contraindicated with pregnant and nursing women. All of the above and other funds should be applied after the doctor's advice.
Of course, a cold when breastfeeding is an unpleasant episode. But if you start to be treated on time and not to quit breastfeeding, the disease will pass without serious consequences.
Share advice:"How to treat a cold nursing mothers"
When I fed a baby, I got sick with a cold, the day four sick strongly, but I managed, thanks to the right treatment. Poured tea with raspberries and honey, eaten lemons, from cough I drank chest, in the throat of Miramistin splashed. The temperature above 38 did not rise, so I didn't rise I did not drink a strong runny nose, I washed with salt water my nose and smeared the infahal, twice a day (antiviral ointment, with interferon). Also for the prevention of all the homemade I was influenced by a rosehip, and forced the Nose infalem to smear.
I suffered the same fate. I was cold when there was no child and month. Good. That there was no temperature, the cough was dry, which did not give me peace. During the day there was a tea with lemon and raspberries. From cough still a prospekny helped well. It can be even pregnant and infants. A few days after the reception could be cleared, because The sputum went out. The nose was washed with a salt solution, the vibrocil dripped over the night, so that even breathe normally.
When I fed a baby, I got sick with a cold, the day four sick strongly, but I managed, thanks to the right treatment. Poured tea with raspberries and honey, eaten lemons, from cough I drank chest, in the throat of Miramistin splashed. The temperature above 38 did not rise, so I didn't rise I did not drink a strong runny nose, I washed with salt water my nose and smeared the infahal, twice a day (antiviral ointment, with interferon). Also for the prevention of all the homemade I was influenced by a rosehip, and forced the Nose infalem to smear.
I suffered the same fate. I was cold when there was no child and month. Good. That there was no temperature, the cough was dry, which did not give me peace. During the day there was a tea with lemon and raspberries. From cough still a prospekny helped well. It can be even pregnant and infants. A few days after the reception could be cleared, because The sputum went out. The nose was washed with a salt solution, the vibrocil dripped over the night, so that even breathe normally.