Any disease is a lot of trouble and stress for the body. However, sometimes there are such situations when, sick, you can avoid some difficulties. And it is easier to catch easier if desired. It is enough to use several "useful tips", namely, to do as follows.
If the house has air conditioning, it's a trifling case. You just need to lower the temperature and spend time indoors with cold air. Protectly freezing, the result will not make himself wait long. However, you should not overdo it too much, as this event may pour into the inflammation of the lungs. And with him jokes are bad. If there is no air conditioner in the house, you can also catch a cold. It is enough to make drafts in the rooms. Opening the windows in opposite rooms, it will immediately arise. 15 minutes for the body with a weak immunity is quite enough - this is a guaranteed cold.Currently getting sick - it's not difficult. However, before going to such a risky step, it is worth thinking about the consequences and weighing whether it is worth bringing such a sacrifice in the name of your goal.
Thanks for the useful and interesting information. If you have at home someone picked up flu or colds, then the patient should be isolated from the rest of the household. This is necessary because mucus, sputum, saliva patient most contagious in the first four days.
It is not a problem for me personally for me at all)) But to recover .... So, too, I also found ways in recent times how quickly coming back to normal. I accept Orvis Flu (I buy it, because it is one of the few funds that you can hypertensive) + I try to drink chases raspberry as possible and rinse throat. So succeeds pretty quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms))
Can I want to get sick? I do not believe. Here only the nose lays out, the temperature rises and is already upset that all the plans are violated. Of course, I immediately start taking antigrippin from natur product, the temperature drops, other symptoms pass, but still I never want to hurt !! Never!!