How to recover after chemotherapy

How to recover after chemotherapy

The basis of the chemotherapy method is the provision of destructive effects on cancer cells. This procedure slows down the development of the disease, extending the life of a person, but at the same time oncological cells can remain in the body. For a person, such sessions do not undergo badly, there are serious violations in the work of many organs. First of all, the blood formula varies, there is a toxic liver damage, the hair loss on the head occurs, the operation of the digestive system is disturbed, the general well-being is worse. Consulted with the attending physician, you need to immediately start rehabilitation.

To restore the desired hemoglobin level, it is necessary to take the eleutherococcus tincture, from the products it is best to use beef, red apples, grenades. Also recommended additionally to drink brazers from yarrow and nettle, permissible natural red wine in small doses.

In order to partially normalize the liver operation, it simply stands to a minimum to reduce the reception of oily food, fried, exclude from the ration of the salting and marinada, limit the flour products. More to eat vegetable oil, in which there are many useful fats and vitamins, so necessary for the affected liver.

Russian table

For better hair growth, which also suffered after chemotherapy, it will be useful will prepare and apply for washing the head of the heads from nettle, hop, root of burdock. Also recommended 3 times a week rubbing the repeal tincture in the roots, which you can independently cook at home. For this spiny and burdock flowers, you need to pour oil and leave for 15-20 days to be blown.

To restore the overall health of the body, to overcome nausea, weakness, headache, improve performance, it is necessary to drink a lot of water, brazers from rowness and rowan fruits, and also use 0.5 l of berry horses every day.

The process of restoring the patient after the course of chemotherapy is long and requires special extracts and patience. Depending on the patient's condition, after the end of treatment, a sanatorium rest is recommended.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 11/03/2021 at 8:28

Very difficult to dad to dad is chemotherapy ... All for the first time, so everyone is afraid. I hope that everything will go well.

faith 12/03/2021 at 17:04

Polina, a familiar dropper, Nastorov appointed, the doctor said that they help to recover faster after chemotherapy, internal organs were saturated with oxygen. But you consult your doctor! Forces and patience !! Everything will be fine!


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