How to facilitate the condition after chemotherapy

How to facilitate the condition after chemotherapy

According to the Ministry of Health, unfortunately, in our time there is an increase in the number of oncological diseases everywhere. Scientists still have to find effective medicines from all varieties of this terrible disease, so far chemotherapy is the most applied tool. However, one treatment is not enough, you need to know how to facilitate the condition after chemotherapy.

The body, weakened by the disease and treatment, all the forces quit for recovery - do not interfere with him. The recovering must observe the strictest diet - there are only fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products (kefir, prokobvash, cottage cheese). Drink more than 3 liters of fluid per day, you can use fresh juices.

The second most important factor after power is fresh air. If there is an opportunity, it is best to spend the time of rehabilitation in an environmentally friendly place: at sea (not in the sun!), In the mountains, in the village. If there is no such possibility, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room, to make short walks, go to bed only in a ventilated room after a wet cleaning.

Patients during chemotherapy and after it is strictly forbidden to stay in the sun. It contributes to the activation of cancer cells.

Psychologists and psychotherapists have long been proven that almost all diseases occur due to depressed emotions. Even official medicine recognizes this fact. Oncology - aimed against himself aggression, and after treatment, she does not go anywhere. The ideal option for a patient on rehabilitation will be the course of psychotherapy. A qualified specialist will help cope with the load of heavy experiences, which the psyche drew into the disease, and develop new reaction methods, safe for the body.

Relief of cancer patients state brings chat with nice people. Those who enter the circle of close people recover, it should be understood that chemotherapy - a scary, painful treatment, people who have experienced it, vulnerable and in need of attention, care and support. They should try to distract the person from bad thoughts, interest, surround with care, give time to recover.

A positive factor for recovery is to communicate with animals, people with any disease there is a considerable relief to the state after spending time with four-legged friends.

Requires the lightest physical activity. You can consult your doctor about the most useful and easy gymnastics.

The last recommendation - laughter therapy. Past chemistry course is necessary as often as possible to laugh, read humorous stories, watch a comedy. Laughter relieves pain and adjusts to the positive perception of the mind, which in turn contributes to a speedy recovery.

The paper presents a short list of the main recommendations of how to alleviate the condition after chemotherapy. Performing all of the above tips will help to recover as quickly as possible and forget about the terrible diagnosis.

Comments leave a comment
Jeanne 11/03/2021 at 8:31 am

Terrible disease ... God forbid anyone faced with this. But life is sometimes cruel, and many are faced with cancer. But much depends on the mood! Even in such a situation you need to be on the positive!

Marina N. 03.15.2021 at 13:38

Yes, a terrible disease. Sick people need to maintain a constant, not to leave them with their thoughts. And if we talk about relieving physical condition, then my uncle the doctor appointed dropper Neoton after chemotherapy. The drug helps to saturate the energy of the heart, improves the delivery of oxygen to the internal organs and muscles. Uncle much easier to endure the necessary procedures. All sincerely wish you good health and never run into oncology.

nikiiii 12.13.2021 at 12:09

I was literally pulled from the world Irina, treats arms, literally burnt out all metastases. On vatsap her write 79,126,420,739.


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